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It's me. Y/n. Just a normal girl. I am going to Park-Sohn High school. I have a part time job. In the library. I am no special. Just normal. I have no friends. I have no family. It is a good life, if we lie.

"Y/n!" She shouted "Put these books on the highest shelf!" And hands me a bunch of books. I put all of them on shelves and she hands me one book more.
"Y/n, be kind and put this book somewhere so it can't be seen." She nervously smiles. I nod questionably
: "But where ma'am?" "Well somewhere hidden, if you want you can even take it to your house!" She says. I look at her confused and lower my head so I can se the title.


Hah, magic, nonsense. "What is this a book of tricks for magicians?" I chuckle. She fixes her glasses and looks at me seriously. "I wouldn't mess with that, very serious matter, okay?" And walks away. I shrugged my shoulders, put the book in my bag and look at the time at my watch. Thank god, my shift is over. I sigh.

"Ma'am, my shift is over, I'll go now!" I yell. "Okay, just take the book with you!!!" She yelles back. I sigh again and roll my eyes.

Home sweet home. I love my room even it has white walls and barely decorated. It's simple. Like me. Simple.
I fall on my bed and pull the book out of my bag. 'MAGIC' I flip the cover and read the first page:

Do you believe in magic? If not DO NOT open this book. Or else you are going to be trapped in the world of magic forever!

Nonsense, who would believe this. Haha. Trapped! Hah! I flip another page.

One: |The magic dimension|

It is created by many magic creatures that look just as humans, but can trick you. They are all trapped in that dimension where they've created a living space for them. It contains many magic species and creatures. Such as Pegasus, Angels, Time travelers, The mind trickers and- there was a crossed word that was very hard to read. I put it under my lamp and slowly read it:
My lamp suddenly starts flickering and turns off by itself. The fuck?! I turn on my big light. It was just a coincidence, right? I sit back at my desk and bravely flip another page Time travelers, I flip another page Pegasus, Angels...I skip a few pages and on the 245 page I relize one page has been ripped out. Strange, well what can you do. I close the book and yawn.

"Aaah, what a day, next one will be normal. Like me. Just normal." I say and start sleeping.


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