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Doyoung stayed rooted to where he was standing. His feet refused to move, and his hand began to shake. How can a single face that he hadn't seen for so long can make his heart beat like a thousand times per second? Their eyes met, and no one wanted to look away first. It's been over three years since he last saw that face and the effect was still the same. It was the same feeling every time he looked at his son's eyes, the feeling of excitement, sadness, and longing, all at the same time. It was the look of love, and Doyoung thought that after those years, his son was enough to satisfy and fulfill his longing heart.

Kun became his world the moment he gave birth to him, but deep inside his heart he was still yearning and wishing that someday he was going to see the one the taught him how to love unselfishly again. There was never a day that he never thought of him and now, there he was standing in front of him. Doyoung was left speechless and didn't know what to do.

A huge part of him wanted to get mad and leave that place immediately and take Kun away from his father, away from the man that left him hanging. Then his heart was also pleading for him to stay, stay and allow him to explain his reasons why he never returned or even look for him. For a moment he was in the dilemma, but in the end he chose to follow his heart. His eyes softened the moment he made the decision.

"Where have you been?" His voice was shaky and it was given why.

Taeil's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. He was expecting for the worst, a confrontation or even a huge fight. It was all he can't think of after everything that happened between him and Doyoung. He left him alone so he had every right to be upset with him, but what was in front of him was a guy waiting for an explanation so he never wasted any time.

"Everywhere," he said, his voice equally shaky. He had to choose his words carefully or one wrong move, Doyoung might flee the place.


"Everywhere, looking for you."

Again, Doyoung was left speechless and this time, Jaehyun who was just watching since the beginning joined him. He looked at Taeil and then at Doyoung and to his brother once again, realization flooding his brain.

"He's that guy?" He questioned his brother, and the older one nodded. Jaehyun couldn't believe that the guy that was the cause of his brother's almost insanity was Doyoung, best friend of his husband. Small world. The guy that they've been looking for so long was so near to them all along.

"You need to talk. Doyoung-sshi, please hear my hyung. He has a lot to say to you," Jaehyun said to Doyoung, and then he took Kun into his arms and said, "Come on Kun, I'll make you some smoothie, this two adult needs to talk."

Kun just nodded, and he immediately forgot about the kind uncle and his papa when he heard the word smoothie.
Taeil took Doyoung's hand when his brother and Kun were out of their sight. Doyoung had no choice but to allow Taeil to take him wherever.

They rode the elevator, and it seemed like Doyoung has no mind of his own. He let Taeil lead the way, and he never let go of his hands, not even for a second. They only separated when Taeil opened the car for him, and he drove out of the building.

Doyoung found himself in a fine dining restaurant and there was food in front of him already. Taeil was longingly looking at him, but he was in such deep thoughts that he didn't notice him. Only when Taeil took his hand that was resting on top of the table once again that he regained his senses.

"You don't know how long I've waited for this moment. Jaehyun told me to stop, but I never gave up. I looked everywhere, but one can tell me where you are. Even your parents didn't know where I can find you," Taeil said, almost a whisper. His voice was so shaky that he had a hard time speaking and words barely came out. He had a lot of this he wanted to say, but that moment nothing clear came out. He doubted if Doyoung understood what he just said. Good thing, the younger did.

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