Chapter 18: The Answer

Start from the beginning

"So do you want to watch a movie or something?" Leo asked.

"Uhm, maybe some other time its getting kind of late. I have to go shopping with Via in an hour. If we watched a movie I wouldn't have any time to get ready," I replied.

I walked Leo to the door where he put on his shoes and we said our goodbyes.

Since Via and I were going shopping in an hour I decided that I had time to take a shower before before we left. It was already 11 am, so by the time we got to the mall it would be 1 since we are going to the big mall in Malibu.

After taking my shower and drying my hair, I walked over and picked out my clothes. Normally on the weekends I just wear sweats and a baggy t-shirt or hoodie, but today I decided to wear actual clothes.

I put on a light pink sweater since its getting a little chilly out, some light ripped jeans, and black-heeled boots.

I left my hair the way it is because whenever I dry my hair after a shower it always gets super wavy. I fixed a couple stray hairs and then walked downstairs. Via was sitting on the couch eating a bag of chips. "Why are you eating right now? I thought we agreed to eat at the mall."

Via turned and looked at me and just shrugged her shoulders. She got up and put away the chips before walking back over to me. She was wearing a white off the shoulder crop top with black pants and combat boots. Even though I had heels on Via was still taller than me.

It's not like I'm short, I'm actually average height. I'm 5'4". Via just happens to be tall like her brother. She is 5'8", which is really tall for a girl. Both of their parents are tall so I guess it makes sense that their kids would be tall too.

"Lets go. I want to find something before everything is gone. Halloween is in a week," Via stated the obvious.



When we got to the mall, the first thing we did was go to Panda Express to get some food. I was starving. Long drives always make me really hungry. We ate our food while discussing which stores we wanted to go to first. Via wanted to go to the clothing stores first that way we can get what we need and then look around at other things.

Once we had a plan we got up and threw away our food.

The costume store was right below the food court so we took the escalator down and walked in. The store wasn't overly crowded, but it was a lot more crowded than normal. The shelves also looked a little empty too. I guess we aren't the only ones doing a little last minute Halloween shopping.

Via and her date Miles were going as Cinderella and Prince Charming. A little cliché if you ask me. It was a cute idea and I know Via and her date will pull it off, but I personally wouldn't have done that.

After 5 minutes, Via had already found a beautiful blue dress and a tiara to go with her costume. We walked by the zombie section when I stopped all of the sudden. "What if you go as Cinderella and Prince Charming zombies?" I asked her. "That way it would be a little less cliché."

"That would be a good idea. I can make rips in the dress and have a huge gash going across my chest with fake blood and everything. I can also get some fake blood and swear it across my dress. This is a great idea. Thanks Athena!" She exclaimed.

I left her with the zombie makeup and walked over to a rack of dresses. Honestly, all I really needed for my costume was a plain white dress and a couple other things. One white dress caught my eye. It was really simple yet beautiful at the same time. I looked at the tag and saw that it was in my size.

I tried on the dress in one of the fitting rooms and it fit perfectly.

Once we found everything we needed, we headed to the register to pay.

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