Our "Thing" Part 1

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JROTC Cadet Leadership Camp/Challenge aka JCLC. Its a Summer Camp at an Army based held for one week over the summer available for Freshmen-Juniors. 


This was first and last time attending that camp, because my instructor at the time did not feel the need to get a medical wavier for me and my fellow cadets because we were on medication. So we had to go to sick bay and wait there for about 2 hours, waiting for the Head of the Medical department from another Army based come down to sign off on our waivers.

It was a long wait but after that was done we could go on with our week long journey. Unfortunately me and Lowe was not in the same Platoon but thankfully in the same Company. He was Delta Company 3rd Platoon while I was Delta Company 2nd Platoon. 

Our platoons were right next to each other during the morning reports and Reveille. 

Each morning we would say our Platoon Mottos and then we would say our Company Motto

We all loved 3rd Platoons Motto

It was hype, energetic, and just the motivation you would need to start off a long morning. The entire Delta Company would say their motto and would be envious that their platoon leaders and sergeants didnt think if that. 

Every morning I would watch him sound off with it with a huge smile across our faces as we made eye contact with him doing the "nae nae'"at the very end. 

He made my day everyday for a week. 

Waking up at 0400-0430 everyday was rough, especially if you had  the last round of fire watch. Cleaning the barracks that early in the morning sucked but once 0600 and we got to the Mess Hall for chow all worries were over. We would shuffle food as fast as possible into our stomachs to give us enough energy  to get us throughout the day. 

Passing out was a no no, because then you would have to get stripped down out of your ACUs and wrapped in an Ice Sheet. 

That happened  about a total of 3 times this week. 

and it was the SAME GIRL! 

apparently this isn't her first time attending this camp AND it wasn't her first time passing out either. I heard she does it every year. Girl needs to stop coming and get some help. Stay hydrated or stay with a permanent battle buddy or something. 

As I was saying , everyone was looking forward to go to the mess hall and guess what; it didn't matter breakfast, lunch, or dinner, Lowe was one of the first ones outside in formation. It got to the point that when I wanted to talked to him, which was all the time, I had to stuff my face even MORE. 

By the third day we started this thing. Every time we would see each other we would high-five then we would slide our fingers between each other in a "Hand-holding" position. Of course to not show favoritism I had to do this with other cadets, but I only meant it with him. My boyfriend had friends who attended the camp so I couldn't get cozy with him even though I really wanted to. 

The way his fingers "perfectly" fit in mine is so cliché but so true. He has these calloused bony fingers that matched mine beautifully. I always said I had man hands because my fingers were naturally longer than any other females' making my hands appear larger. Compared to him, my "long" fingers looked slim and small, my "huge" palm little, and the overall impression of my hand.....fragile. Which made butterflies explode from within. My heart rate would always pick up every time we did our "Thing" and I would smile so big. 

Him and with his ACUs on looks so sexy. Imagining him in those uniforms for real once he was older was mouth watering. I could hardly contain myself 

It was at that camp when we really clicked. We actually became not best friends not just friends just that borderline. 

I just knew after doing our "Thing" around five times a day for the remaining 4 days made me wish I was in his hands forever. 

The saddest day was the day we got back, Because as school at we pulled up to the school after a week of  no contact with friends or no one my  boyfriend was so happy to see me. 

No lie I was too, but in a friend day. Again at that time I had to act like the girlfriend who missed her dear boyfriend terribly. 

I hurriedly hopped off the bus and  jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around him, wishing so much that it was the handsome dark hazelnut eyed man back on the yellow bus. 

(Memory Ceases)

Now I know it was terrible leading my boyfriend on at the time, but later we broke it off. I realized I didn't care for him as much as I thought I did, because when he told me his birthday was coming up, I realized I never even bothered asking  about his birthday and I never care to get him anything. My family was in a rough patch so we did not have any transportation so he would have to pick me up and he couldn't. 

And I didn't care. That's when I knew it wasn't meant to be and that I was free to be with the man that I had my eyes on for months but thought I couldn't have. 

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