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When a man sweats most people think its disgusting, repulsive, and just plain ew. But when I saw him covered, dripping in sweat, it was the most sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life 

Lets Reminisces 

Summer practices. Everyone hates them, but everyone knows they are necessary. Summer of 2016 was the hottest summer ever I swear. Always practicing outside in the blazing heat, especially in the hot, southern, 98 degree, vividly blue sky, weather sun. 

Thankfully on this practice day our instructor did not feel like sitting in the sun so he reserved the old arena at our school for us to practice in. 

At this point in time I still was not on a major event just a rising sophomore on the sidelines. 

(Memory )

Leaning against the wall as I saw the other team mates do their routine. I was in awe of everyone, but I was especially in awe of the deep coffee colored male in the front. 

They just got through maybe a minute of the routine and them on their knees at report in, when a pool of sweat was forming at the floor where it was parallel to his face. Just dripping




on to the floor. 

"God dang Lowe. You could fill the Mississippi if you keep it up" His bestfriend shouted from next to me 

Now bringing everyone's attention to him. They all laughed and he himself chuckled, even our instructor, the Airborne Ranger, cracked a laugh. 

Me, however, was not amused. More like aroused. 

I couldn't even fathom how I could be turned on by a man's sweat. The way it dripped down his face on to the hardwood floor? or maybe the way it caressed his biceps because he wore a muscle shirt that day? 

I have no idea why but all I know, is that God would not be very happy with my thoughts right now.  I have never wanted to have his sweat drip on top of me, or feel his sweaty body pressed against mine. 

To lick all the way across his face and down his back. 

The commander of that event said her cue and cohesively all eight of them spun their rifles and did the remaining of the routine. For the rest of the seven to however many minutes it was to take them to finish, my eyes were on him the entire time. 

Just watching and being amazed at his strength left me absolutely speechless. 

I still unfortunately had a boyfriend at the time and needed to not have such impure thoughts, but he was so good. I wanted-no needed to taste him. 

I snapped out of it and zoned  back in on my surroundings  taking my eyes off of the perfectly sculpted male specimen. 

The drill team commander rounded us all up and told us it was time for us to go home. So we gathered all the weapons and marched the long way back to the JROTC room. 

As I went home that afternoon I had only one man on my mind. 

and it wasn't my boyfriend

(Memory Ceases)

The amount of guilt I felt that day while texting my boyfriend about how practice went was immense. 

However, as days turned into weeks and weeks into months up on to the new school year of me being a sophomore, a lot of things changed. Especially leading up to this Summer Camp called JCLC 

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