Dark Chocolate

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I honestly don't remember the beginning or how it even became to be. It just happened, in just an instant my worries went away and my heart blossomed. 


I was a freshmen in high school and him a sophomore, even though we were both the same age just months apart, he was just born before the cut off line. We both joined this extracurricular activity, well he already joined, I was just pestered into joining when I saw him. 

Can't recall the exact moment I loved the way his dark chocolatey skin glowed in the sunlight, or the way his small dimples showed when he laughed. But I do remember when I first saw him with his shirt off


Football games. I don't particularly like them, but my best friend, Sophia Smith, and I volunteered to be apart of flag detail that night. We were both freshmen apart of our school's JROTC drill team and at every home football game the drill team would raise the American and State flag on the flag pole and present the Colors at the beginning of the game, while chorus sung the National Anthem. 

Flag detail that night contained  of six cadets including myself. 

We were about to change into our uniforms, because we stayed after school that day. The game started at 1800 and school let out at 1535, so there was no point in going home. 

We all brought in our uniforms that morning and put them in the JROTC room on the clothing racks. 

Our drill team commander was talking amongst us, the cadets, telling us it was time to change into our uniforms. 

Sophia and I were about to get our uniform bags when his beautiful self says 

"I'll just change my shirt right here" 

He takes off his white T shirt exposing his gorgeous deep chocolate chest. It was for about ten seconds before our commander  yelled "THERE ARE FEMALES IN HERE! YOU CAN'T CHANGE IN HERE" 

I gulped all his features in. His defined pecs, his strong biceps, and a hint of a V. The way his torso wasn't like a six pack but you could still tell he was fit and strong.  It was all I needed to know I'd let him do sinful things to me. 

My girl and I side eyed each other as in to say "Did you see that sexiness? or was that just me?" 

We both had boyfriends at the time so we glanced away, but not before we got a good look. And I knew we both wished we were single in that moment. 

We went into the bathrooms with our bags to change 

"Did you see that!" I said to her 

"I did not know he was hiding all of that underneath there" Sophia gasps 

"Me neither girl, me neither" I shook my head 

I discovered two things that day. 

One: I now had a taste of chocolate and I was never going back 

Two: He is way out of my league 

(Memory Ceases) 

That is one of my very firsts memories of him. He consumes my dreams and my thoughts. His touches are incomparable. 

During that moment his best friend caught our reaction and told him a soon as the football game was done. 

(I didn't know that part until about a year later) 

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