Start from the beginning

I pushed Cisco out of the room in a haste to put it on, "Hey hold up, No thank you?"

"Thank you so much! I mean it!" I closed the door and managed to hear a confused 'Your welcome' slipping through the doorway.

After an epic entrance later into the cortex, I felt ready to go. Ralph's face was priceless, and I couldn't blame him, I would be jealous of this suit too.

Vibe opened up a portal to the criminal's layer and we all jumped through. "Alright Bare, what's the plan?"

"Frost and Vibe go around back, You and Dibny come in from the side entrance and I'll keep this area steady. We flush him out and pin him down, we cannot afford to let him escape."

"Got it," Cisco responded and left with Caitlyn. I smiled at Ralph and we maneuvered over to our designated area.

"You think this guy is really as dangerous as Barry says so?" I wondered while keeping my eyes trained on the shadows that littered this building.

"I don't know, but he won't be any match for me."

I rolled my eyes and my ears perked up to the echo of footsteps farther down the hall. I shushed Dibny and got in my fighting stance and he followed.

It was quiet for a second too long and my spider senses went all over the place. A loud bam rang throughout our sector and I heard Barry ask the coms, "Guys what was that?!" just as an explosion came trampling from around the corner.

My eyes grew wide and I yelled, "Run!" My legs could only carry me so far before I had to leap and just pray I got far enough away from the blast that it didn't singe my skin. I felt something wrap around me before I collided with the damp floor.

After my ears stopped ringing I opened my eyes to find Dibny's stretched body protecting me like a shield. "Don't worry babe I got you!" he stated and shrunk back into his normal form. The smoak in the room slowly cleared and lucky for me it did because my eyes caught the sight of a silhouette fleeing the area.

"He's trying to escape!" I pointed in the direction and chased him to the door. He was approaching the exit too fast and I wouldn't catch him in time. I came to a jump stop and planted my feet before I concentrated on the door. With the twist of my wrist, the door 'disappeared' and the criminal backed away in shock.

He turned around to face us with a grimacing face and seethed, "You'll regret that."

I'm so glad these fellas weren't smart enough to realize the door is still there and it's them who just can't see it. He raised his hands in a sort of all power summing way and a huge glowing ball of blue energy hovered before him.

"Aw frick," I cursed as the death sentence came flying towards us at an alarming rate. I saw Ralph begin to stretch and I took a step to hide behind him. My hand was outstretched to Dibny and he attempted to pull me behind him, though we weren't fast enough because just as our fingers touched as the ball of energy collided with us and sent me flying back, me pulling Dibny with me.

Our bodies crashed onto a far away wall and I fell into the peace of the night.


"Dibny..." a voice called as a hand lightly tapped against my face.

"Dibny?... Dibny what?" a rough hoarse voice escaped from my throat.

"Oh good you're awake, do you remember what happened? Willow is still out cold."

"Willo-" the male voice again. Willow? Wait. How... but I'm Willow.

End Of The Line // Ralph DibnyWhere stories live. Discover now