Will you marry me

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Perri came out of the bathroom drying his afro off wearing his grey joggers and no t-shirt he sat down on the bed and kissed Holly on the lips, she stirred slightly and said 'Good morning my handsome prince' Perri smiled and said 'Good morning my beautiful princess, now why don't you jump in the shower. You'll find a box in the bathroom containing one of your many birthday presents'. Holly sat up and said 'I hope you've not spent too much money on me Pel' a happy cheeky smile lined Perri's face as he said 'I might have done but your worth it'.

Holly went and had a shower and had a nice wash and then she got out of the shower and dried herself off, after which she sat down on the side of the bath and opened the box that Perri had left in there and inside was a Harlequin Leotard. Perri stuck his head round the door and said 'I hope you like it, there were loads to choose from but I liked this one the best' Holly stood up and hugged Perri before saying 'I love it Pel it's beautiful, do you know where my black shorts are' Perri nodded and said 'Yeah I think their in the wardrobe'.

After having some breakfast Perri and Holly made their way to Bristol during the journey Perri noticed that Holly was biting her nails he took hold of right hand and said 'What are you nervous about' Holly looked at Perri and said 'Whether she'll like me and whether she'll be impressed with what I can do already', Perri smiled and said 'I think she's going to be really impressed by what you can do'. Once they arrived at the Bristol Hawkes Gymnastics Gym Perri and Holly were met by Claudia and showed them through to main Gymnastic practice room Holly looked around and said 'I can't believe I'm really here, I'm so grateful to you for having me and Perri here today'.

Claudia smiled and said 'It's a pleasure to have you and Perri here, so I thought what we'd do today is try some of the apparatus and then I'll teach you one of my floor routines. How does that sound' Holly smiled and said 'That sounds like a good plan' Claudia nodded and said 'Well Perri told me you've done Acrobatics before and you've done lots of dancing, so I think we'll start with the trampoline track and then I can put the vault at the end'. Perri stood beside Claudia and took some pictures of Holly, after a busy first half of the session Perri and Holly went up to the canteen to have some lunch Perri said 'Are you enjoying it my love' Holly nodded and said 'I am really enjoying myself, your an angel for setting this up for me'.

After having a break Holly and Perri went back down to the gym Claudia walked over and said 'Right so we're going to learn one of my short floor routines, it's fairly straight forward. So first things first your going to stand in this position and then do an Aerial Cartwheel, to get the first corner and then we're going to run into a round off followed by a split leap. And then I'd like you to add a bit of contemporary and to finish it off a triple back handspring'.

Once Holly had practiced it a couple of times with Claudia, Claudia said 'would you like to give it a go to some music' Holly nodded and said 'Perri could you put my favourite song on you know the one I mean', Perri scrolled through Holly's YouTube playlist he found the song and pressed play.

Perri watched as Holly performed Claudia's floor routine he was so in love with her, once the session had finished they had some photo's taken with Claudia, Perri said 'Thank you for doing this today Claudia ' Claudia smiled and said 'It's a pleasure, if you and Diversity ever need a Gymnastic gym to practice in then your more than welcome to come here'. Perri nodded and said 'Thank you that's very kind', Holly hugged Claudia and said 'I really enjoyed today' Claudia smiled and said 'Me to, here's my number it would be great if we can stay friends'.

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