Bakugo Katsuki x Reader (fantasy AU) - hell yes

Start from the beginning

You brought your attention back to the red window drapes and arose from the bed, making your way over to the window. You pulled the curtain back slowly, and was amazed to see many snowy mountains and deep valleys in the distance. You looked down, and saw nothing but fog below.

Something suddenly blocked your vision as it passed the window at a high speed. Your eyes widened to the size of saucers as you stumbled backwards, landing on your leg. That was a dragon.. A hiss of pain left your lips as you looked down to see blood seeping through bandages wrapped around your leg where the forest goblin had torn your skin. You struggled to stand back up, when someone opened the door to your room. You looked over, catching the bright eyes of a red headed male clad in armour. He gasped and ran to your side, helping you up and supporting you with his shoulder. He wore a gentle smile upon his face as he scooped his other arm under your knees, lifting you up. You were confused but felt like you could trust the male, so he carried you out of the room.

He whistled a small tune as he approached a large set of stairs, walking down them as you bounced in his arms. He walked through another maze of hallways, before he stopped at two large wooden double doors. He opened one of them and walked through; it was then that you noticed this was a throne room. A small gasp left your lips as you looked around at the extravagant hall you were in. The stone walls were lined with large red drapes with the outline of a dragon's head on them. There were gold details in all of the droops, no doubt real gold. The soldiers in the room were dressed in gold armour with brown fur lining. Your eyes trailed around the large windows in the room, dragons passing by them every few seconds. Your eyes then trailed to a large golden throne, bright jewels of multiple colours encrusted in it's arms and legs. It had bright red velvet cushioning and a male slouched upon its seat. You could see from 20 feet away that the male was buff. He was shirtless, wearing a torn red cape around his shoulders with a fur trim. He had multiple necklaces and tattoos on his shoulders and arms, earrings on each ear. He had spiky ash blonde hair and wore a scowl upon his pale face, causing you to notice his piercing red eyes.

He would look quite nice if he didn't look so angry.

You were put down just 5 feet from the male on the throne and stood on your feet, staring at the ground in front of you. The intense gaze that the male gave you was making you feel intimidated by his presence, and he seemed happy with that.

"Your shitty goblin attackers gave me one hell of a cut."

You looked up and caught his gaze, a small 'oh' leaving your lips. The room remained silent for an awkward amount of time, before the male abruptly stood up and approached you.

He towered over your shorter form, a gutteral growl leaving his mouth.

"Are you not gonna thank me?!"

You flinched at him raising his voice, but found a sudden confidence arise inside of you.

"Don't talk to me like that, dipshit."

Everyone in the room was taken aback by your comment, most dreading to see what their king would reply with since no one had ever stood up to him like that.

The male was silent for a long time, confusing the people around you both. He opened his mouth to retort, when a hand was slapped across the back of his head. He groaned and turned around to see his mother glaring down at him.

"Katsuki! That's no way to treat a guest!"

A small laugh left your lips and he glared at you, but his mother shoved him backwards before anything could happen. She grabbed your hands and smiled brightly at you.

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