Chapter 9: the tube

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I woke next in a tube filled with a yellow liquid. Hahaha pee! That's right I'm still here loser. shut up already! I'm pretty sure it's not pee. "Alright who peed in the tank?!" the Doctor said. Gross, why?!?!

Dude why did you do this to me? 'Cause I'm bored, brainless. Screw you, Matthew! Don't cuss out your author, you scumbag! Why did he have to wright this?! To bug you. Why is he is soooo annoying?! Just 'cause. Why?! I.D.K.

The Doctor then came over to me and stated that I was different from other Daleks. nah! you just have autism! shut up! loser. shut up! "Doctor!" Amy yelled as he came running to help. "Roary passed out! Help him, NOW!" she said worriedly.


"Wha..." he said when he awoke half an hour later "Amy! Get the Doctor, now! We've got to go!" "what about it?" she hissed, pointing to me. "IT HAS A NAME." I stated. Like the loser you are. shut up! nah. Yeah! Amy interrupted this strange conversation between an idiot and me. Scumbag! Be quiet, I'm talking.

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