Chapter 1: my crappy life

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Daleks, all misunderstood. Well... some are. Including me, of course. My name (don't tell the Supreme Dalek) is Rados. I thought of it myself.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" oh crap.

One of the mean Daleks I told you about. He is my commander. "CHECKING THE DATA RECORDS." I lied.

"EXPLAIN YOUR REASON." he said in the electronic voice that was all too familiar. I was trying to think up a logical lie when we saw a white Dalek roll in the bridge. "SUPREME DALEK, SIR!" we said together. "SET COURSE FOR EARTH, CAPTAIN." he said as he left the room.

Oh by the way, i'm a captain of the Dalek army. Humans would, in my case, drink alcohol to ease the pain of my extremely crappy life. I WAS going to go to target practice after I looked up information on the Doctor, but now I have to set the autopilot for Earth for another failed attempt to destroy it's inhabitants once again.

It would help if I had a helper, like an Ood or something. Have I wasted my life? Should I be more evil? What is the point of Daleks?!?!

So, I just had a, as humans call it, mid-life crisis. This sucks. I hate my life! So, might as well get to the docking bay. You might say I am overreacting. If you do, screw you!!!

I'm yelling at myself. I'm crazy, aren't I. Probably. Crap, which way is the docking bay again? The Supreme Dalek will have my head for being late, again!

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