Chapter 7: awake

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"Rados! Wake up!" a voice said. "Doctor, do you think it's smart to try and wake a little demon squid?" another voice said, odiously human. "Yeah, considering it tried to kill us!" said a female, Scottish voice. "Tried, but failed." the first voice said. "TRIED TO KILL US!!!!" the third voice screamed at the first.

I opened my eye to reveal color. Not blue I thought with joy. I also saw who the voices were. Before me were Amy, Roary, and ugh... the Doctor. I hate my life. I noticed I was on a dissection table and started to freak out. I noticed my armor in the corner, it's weapons ripped off, crap.

I then noticed a bunch of life support cords going from my suit into my flesh. So that explains why I am still alive. How did I get here? where was here? What was a Dalek to do?

"Alright Dalek," Amy said "Any funny business and we see what happens if we yank out these cords!!!!" Oh crap! "Wait, you're scaring him!" yelled the Doctor. "" he said calmly as he inserted voice wires into me. "WHY AM I ALIVE?"

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