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      The insistent knocks echoed urgently throughout the silent building. Remy's curled form shook with sobs with each loud bang that rung within his ears his hands clenching the thick comforter tighter in their hold. Time seemed to stretch on forever in that moment; The clock only showed the passing of twenty minutes but Remy would bet that it had to have twenty years. 

  "Sweetheart! Sweetheart, I just want to make sure you're alright! Open the door, Please." Remy bit in to the torn flesh of his bottom lip, tearing the split flesh open more. He squeezed his eyes shut as he tried to drown out the worrisome calls from Winston. Oh how Remy wished he could return to that morning and hang on to those moments just a little tighter. He wanted to go back and never open that strange box, just toss it out and await for Winston's return from work. He desperately wanted to go back and tell Winston just how much he loved him. 

    A heavy vibration next to him pulled Remy's thoughts from hopeless wishes and instead filled his heart with anger and sadness. Remy roughly wiped the trials of tears from his cheeks all of his focus now on the device that continuously vibrated from numerous amounts of messages. It took a second to get himself unravelled from the blanket before snatching up the phone, immediately putting a stop to the texts.

    Get that bitch away from the door. His whining is really starting to get on my nerves. ~ Your Angel of Death 

 That was the first message sent by the hostile number. The other sixty consisted of nothing just to gain his attention. Remy groaned deeply as he shook the device in a tight grip almost willing the phone to combust. Obviously this stranger was a sadist. Confronting Winston was the exact opposite of what he wanted. A heavy sense of nausea fell upon Remy as he tumbled out of the bed, his nostrils flared from the deep inhalation it took to stop himself from hurling.

   The first step in to the main part of the house was the hardest thing Remy had ever done. Unlike in his bedroom where the knocking was nothing but a sad background beat being this close to the door that barely sat five feet from him had him surrounded in the sound. He swallowed thickly at the desperate calls of Winston, his eyes burned from tears that seemed never ending. Remy took another staggering step forward his form wavering from side to side. He felt so light headed; Almost out of touch with reality. 

  Everything just seemed so surreal, like it was nothing more than a terrible dream that held him trapped within his mind. Remy's body felt heavier than lead as he stood in front of the wooden door, his arms hung limply by his sides and his bottom lip wobbled sadly. It was perfect. Everything was perfect. Remy had everything he ever wished for and now it felt like his life was over. The first time he found someone who actually loved him as he was and he had to leave them. They could no longer be together for Remy feared that something could happen to Winston, he could not allow that to happen. Remy wasn't selfish enough to let Winston be pulled in to a situation that could end up with him harmed. Breathing was a little bit easier now, his chest didn't squeeze his heart as tightly knowing that Winston would be safe the moment he was away.

   He gripped the door knob, twisting the handle slowly before pulling the door open. It took everything within him to not just break down in to tears the instant his eyes landed upon Winston. Remy sucked his lip in to his mouth to keep from saying anything, he didn't even move but Winston was to relieved to notice Remy's hesitation. Without a thought he snatched the smaller male up in to his arms and squeezed, nuzzling his nose against Remy's collar bone. Remy tensed within his hold using every bit of physical strength to keep himself from hugging Winston back. It was so tempting, like finally finding water after three years of wandering in the dry desert only to be told not to touch it. 

  "Oh, Sweetheart. I'm so glad to see you. When I didn't see you at the cafe I thought something happened to you." Remy held in a shiver from the tingling feel of Winston's lips when they brushed against his skin. His voice muffled from his mouth being so close to Remy's neck but Remy heard every word and they did nothing to ease the strong pain that filled him from them. If anything it made it worse.

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