All the Kids are Depressed

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All the Kids are Depressed


Ships: All the boys

Summary: Zach starts to Get Depressed

A/n: I randomly found this some on my feed while scrolling through youtube and it instantly gave me this idea.

WARNING: STRONG LANGUAGE! And truly depressing (it's in the freaking title). Do NOT Read if triggered!

*Edited: 5/7/20 grammar and spelling*


Zach was looking out a window from there hotel in New York City. They were here for some promotions and meetings with their label for about 2 weeks and. Lately, he hasn't been smiling much. No one seemed to notice the sudden change in his mood. He was feeling depressed and it seemed since the Invitation Tour, that he actually showed a genuine smile.

Every day having people scream your name and give you all the attention is great and all, but it's depressing. You can't seem to do anything normal without having a few people recognize you. Zach felt this for a while, he always felt that he has to be the perfect role model and can't do this or that due to having a mass following. Can't swear, Can't do reckless things, Can't have an open relationship, Can't do anything that he wants. It's a trap, the music industry is sad as hell, but in the end yeah you're making music and doing what you love and you have your fans support and all, but still, it is empty.


Today we're in back in L.A. in the studio recording for our new single "I Don't belong in this Club" and I was recording my end bit of the song but kept messing up. The words jumbled in head and I couldn't focus, this was the 5th time I did this and the guys were getting annoyed. But honestly, I didn't feel like trying or doing anything.

"Save me, can't take it, no

I don't be-e-el-l-long in tt-t-his club

On-n-ne-e d-dda-nnce, No ch-h-ha-a-ance" I mumbled in a shuttered voice. I was tired and I know that was my 6th time trying.

"Zach! You have to try again! You messed up and this is the 6th time. Get it together!" yelled the producer

"Okay, okay, okay, I'm sorry, I just feel tired"

"Zach was all tired. This right here isn't tiredness, its lazy." Daniel stated.

"Babe, please pull through on this" Corbyn said with a tired look

"Okay, I will try again"

The producer played the track again and before I could finish a wave of depression washed over me and I let out a sob. Before they could yell at me, I bolted out of the booth and out of the building and ran down the streets of L.A. it was only 7 pm so it wants that late. I didn't know exactly where I was going but I needed to leave. I ran down the streets of L.A and I ended up at this small cafe called Wishful. I opened the door up and walked inside. I went up to the counter,

"Hi, welcome to Wishful, what can I get you?" asked the girl who was working

"Hi, I never been here before, What do you recommend...." I looked at her name tags and it read (Y/N). ...(Y/N)?"

"Well, Our Caramel hot chocolate is the best seller here or you can get the Wish, which is a white mocha chocolate swirl."

"I will get that then"

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