✨ Hey Readers ✨

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Dear readers,

Hey guys it's been a while since I posted and that's because a lot of thing happened in 2020 that made me not want to write. I also have been going through a lot with school and I will probably not come back to this book for a while. That doesn't mean I'm stoping this book yet, I'm putting it on hold.

With that said I want to make something clear because this happened to a lot of people and I don't want to happen to me.

If you see my work being republished on someone's else's account please let me know in the comments or Dm me immediately!

I do not like people who steal other peoples writing and pass it off as their own.

1. It's because it takes time to write a good story and these idea were all mine and original, however I have been inspired by other works, I never took there plot line. I made and entirely different plot.

2. Some work by authors are 18+ content and have multiple warnings. And to have a MINOR read and repost it as their own is really disturbing and I'm not okay with that at all. 18+ content is for adults only and should be only for adults. There are over millions of friendly and safe fanfics for you to read so please consider reading theses then for something for adults.

3. DO NOT STEAL WRITTERS WORK!! I don't know how many times I have seen people steal other peoples work and past it off as their own. It really hurts to see that your hard work was stolen by someone. So please if you ever see stolen work and notice that a book has similar plot and written tings to something you read before. FACT CHECK IT! Check the sources and alert the author. Help them out if you can!

4. Fan-fiction is for everyone? YES! It is for anyone who wants to read and be taken up and away with different AU's and adventures of their favorite characters and or idols. It's made to have fun and to explore and expand on creative writing. Sometimes it's used as cooping mechanisms and it's a way to escape. However, their is a line drawn when it comes to adult fan fiction vs. teen fan fiction. I known that reading adult ones tend to be spicy and or more well developed in writing, but if you are minor please don't interact with it. It's not for you and your should respect that.

I know I write one Spicy fic in this book but I put warnings in and if you chooses to read that fine, not my problem. But if you repost my work of it then that's a problem.

The main thing I want you guys to know is it's not cool to have your work be taken. And if explicit content and a minor is reposting about it that dose not sit right with me. So I hope you take this into consideration and just be aware of what your reading. This recently happened to one of my favorite Ao3 writers and I thought to come on here make disclaimer as well since I do write fanfics.

But here is the thing why I haven't posted in so long. It's because of people stealing other writers work makes me afraid to put my own out their and have it be stolen. That's why kinda gave up on writing for a bit, it's because of that.

But I hope to return to writing soon, however I'm shifting gears to Ao3 and I have account but no works yet. I'll still post on here but it's mostly going to Ao3.

Thank you for reading this. I highly appreciate it and remember to be safe and I hope you have a nice day/evening.

Thank you,
Kate 💕

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