All worrying about my woman while thinking of my mother, I drove fast and it only took fifteen minutes for me to reach out house that... I can't call a home.

       A security was about to greet me but me, rushing in, stopped everyone and made a turn to look at me with surprise.

"Oh, Jungkook, you're here."
      My brother seemed to be unaware...

And unlike him, my mother is giving me a stare screaming that she knows the reason why all of a sudden, I came.

"You must have heard or seen it?"
        And she began the conversation about it.

Proud and open about the topic...
She smiled the way Tzuyu did earlier.
Sarcastically showing antagonism, and victory is also shown, as if everything is already done and won't be interrupted.

"Why did you do that?"
       I questioned, getting my teeth, clenching my jaw as so as my fists.

"Which? I have done so many things today."
       Trying to hear it from me, she asked.

The conversation we're just starting doesn't seem like a talk between a mother and a son. It's more like of a fight between a real protagonist and antagonist.

"Why did you send invitations? Why? Why did you plan my wedding? Why with Tzuyu?"
       Preventing myself from bursting out, I continued gritting my teeth...

I could feel my veins and muscles on my forehead and neck tightening even more...

"To stop everything... simple, right?"
       She turned her back and took a glass of wine...

"You already know the reason why I'm being like this. If you could just open your mind, understand my side and much better, be on my side, then things won't be hard for anyone. Won't it be easier for you? For her, for your so-called woman?"
       She looked back at me and finished her words before taking a sip on the expensive glass of wine.

"Why would I open my mind when I'm already thinking logically? Shouldn't it be you, can't you open your mind for me, for us? I understand everything, but your hatred towards her parents shouldn't affect us. We are your children, do we even know anything from the past!? Do we even owe it from anyone of you!?"
       I started yelling...

And started pointing out the same thing again...

"Your pride is limiting everything! Your hatred, anger and pride are totally preventing you from thinking the way you used to while raising me as your child! You used to support me as a mother! You raised me as a very good man and I can't understand how you just turned it down and neglected how intelligent of a mother you are! At this rate of time, I don't already know who my so-called mothe -..."
        One hit, one slap...

I cut myself from there...
It was a blunt expression of words and it sounded so rude as it came from her son, from me, but it was the truth and she should hear it... because I am hoping, from a harsh comment, she would understand things.

And yet...
I think it'll just poke her hatred even more.

"You said I raised you as a very good man? Then what is this? Yelling back to your mother? Talking against my decisions for you? It's all for the better, it's for the best."
       I stepped backwards, three steps away from her...

"The best? The best for me? For the better? But you're just thinking about the past, you're just thinking about what they did to you! You're not thinking of me, your son, nd about the future! You're all just thinking about yourself! Your pride!"
       I shouted again and she was about to hit me one more time but my father caught it for me...

"Enough, honey."
       He tried calming her with his both arms surrounding her body...

And as I noticed how my father is devastated inside upon seeing his family breaking down like this...

Another thought came to me and I spoke it out...

"You got Dad already, why do you still act so bitter about Chaeyoung's parents?"
       This time...

I am sure it's going to hit her, break her walls a little and crack her pride a bit. She's just remembering all the pain, she should also remember how she was healed by the man holding her now...

"If it weren't for them and their deeds, you and Dad won't be together. You should at least be grateful at abstract and small things. Those indirect results of what happened in the past, pike how you ended up having us instead of having that man you once loved and now is my dream woman's father..."
       There are tears evidently forming on her pair of brown eyes...

My father is tightening his hug even more and his forehead started touching her temple...

He must felt broken as well, he must have thought of this already before.

"Can't you accept everything? Can't you... just be happy with what you have now? Us, your sons... and him, our father?"

Tears began to stream on her reddish face. Her lips parted as she let out a heavy sigh of burden feeling.

"The one who helped you to get up and to heal your broken heart... is also breaking his own soul, doing his best not to tell it and not to stop you from everything you want to do until now... can't you see him? Is it because of your pride, because you haven't accepted anything from the past yet?"
       I questioned things about them, about him and her, letting her find the answer through herself.

"Shouldn't you embrace everything now... that you still have it, now that you still have them... us? You almost lost me once... are you not afraid of losing anyone from us?"
      I could feel my eyes burning together with my throat drying...

"We've gone so far, fighting for each sides, fighting for what we're thinking is right... now, I can't promise if I could ever stay... as your son anymore. You've raised me... but you also forgot how to be a good mother. I'm sorry."
      It was the end of conversation...

And after few moments of letting the tension down...
Without any further words or expressions, I turned my body and took the path where the door is. I voluntarily went out and it indirectly felt like I just disowned my own family... that I, now, can't feel as a literal family of mine.

I closed the door...
Looked up to the dark sky and parted my lips to breath out and yet a sudden ring stopped me.

It was my phone, vibrating and notifying me from a call.


"Is she back? Have you found her already?"
       Anticipating for a news I wanted to hear, I asked...

But in no time...
My whole world crashed...
My hearing faded...
My body froze...

As I heard...

"She's in the emergency room."


"She got into an accident, car accident..."


The memories of our car accident before flashed, and how I forgot everything, how I lost my memories... everything showed up as if it's...

"It's critical, her head is... her... she's..."

"It was bad... Jung..."

"She hit her head, her while body have bruises and wounds. She has few deep cuts from the broken windshield and her bleeding is excessive. Jungkook, she's in a critical state."


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