Start from the beginning

  The man peered through his fingers at the squatting figure and spluttered, I don't know what you mean master Lu..." The man smiled in his mind, he knew Master Lu, after all he served the bastard for almost a year and he knew for a fact that he hated getting himself dirty and making body contact, so as long as he stayed away from that wild man who kicked him he was saf-

  "Arghhhhhhh!" He screamed as BiMing drove a pair of steel chopsticks he found on the table into his thigh. "Master Lu!... W-What's the meaning of this!?"

  "Why, can't you tell? I'm torturing you so you give me the answers," BiMing drove the chopsticks further in before continuing over the screams of the man. "Tell me XiuYin, how much blood can a man lose before passing out?"

  XiuYin stepped forward and dutily answered, "It depends on the persons constitution Lu ShiZun, but looking at this man, perhaps one and a half pints."

  "Ho, is that right? I'll have to ensure I make you bleed slowly then, and then when you pass out, we'll carry you back to my residence under the guise that you drank too much and passed out, where I can torture you more, would you like that?" BiMing smiled sinisterly at the man who gaped at him.

  The man's sweat dripped down his forehead and past his mole, he swallowed a scream and asked, "Who are you?"

  He was certain this couldn't be Master Lu, the man who would never take a disciple, the man of few words and who hates body contact. He was defying all his own rules.

  BiMing's face went taut and fought to keep an indifferent expression as he extracted the chopsticks. Only to shove them in harder. "I 'm the one asking questions here."

  The man screamed and cried and slapped his hands on the ground, "He'll kill me! if I tell you he'll kill me!"

  BiMing stood and dusted himself, "Not before we kill you if you don't answer soon. Tell me and we won't bother you ever again, neither will this person you speak of."

  The crying man asked, "How can you be so sure?"

  "Because I'm killing him."

  At those words XiuYin shivered with anticipation as he saw the blood lust in Lu ShiZun's eyes and his hair stood on end as he realised he was dangerously close to having a reaction. He gulped and began secretly meditating to regulate the flow of blood in his body.

  The man lowered his head and panted as he tenderly poked his thigh. "There's no need to go look for him, he's always on the move anyway and he'll be coming for you tomorrow night. Although I don't actually know him, I know He's a sect leader, like yourself Master Lu and that he often has an irritable girl by his side."

  BiMing turned and twirled his hair in his fingers. Not a surprise at all, he'd been suspecting that creepy masked uncle for a long while. But to sit and wait for him to come? dangerous.

  "You didn't tell me anything I don't already suspect." BiMing said in a low tone, promising trouble.

  "Aiya, I'm just the messenger Master Lu, he doesn't confide in me with anything...uwu... although..." He sniffled.


  "I remember him speaking of some taboo subjects with the girl... on human enslavement, human experimentation... and I believe he once mentioned world jumping, I was outside the door at that time, ready to receive a letter to send but he was talking to the girl and I didn't want to interrupt. He said something about finding the human panacea in another world and having tasted the divine blood... I couldn't make sense out of it... Ah!"

  BiMing had kicked the man in the ribcage before storming off, XiuYin following closely behind with furrowed eyebrows.

  BiMing stalked into the nearby forest and began striking at an innocent tree.

  "Mother fucking pervert! Asshole! Immbecile! Disgusting, shitty, Shit face just you wait till I rip your guts out!"

 BiMing continued shouting as he slashed out at the surrounding trees. 

  XiuYin watched Lu ShiZun's back and felt a horrible ache in his heart, he had been like this once, when he first began serving him. XiuYin walked forwards into Lu ShiZun's path and inevitably being hit by the backlash of violent spiritual power poured into the whisk. XiuYin tasted the blood in his  mouth but continued walking until he stood right in front of a heaving Lu ShiZun.

  "Move." BiMing grunted.


  "...No? Getting cocky are we?"

  "Lu ShiZun I warned you I will pursue you." And with that, he took the final step and embrace Lu ShiZun. He wrapped his arms around Lu ShiZun's lean body and leaned his chin on top of his head as he began slowly stroking Lu ShiZun's hair that had risen slightly.

  BiMing was shaking violently but for some reason, the hard body embrace him made him feel secure... his breathing slowed and his shaking reduced to a shiver. He unconsciously leaned his head into XiuYin as his hands fisted the material of XiuYin's robes.

  He was feeling calmer...safer and he sighed as he felt a slight realisation at the back of his mind.


  "M'?" XiuYin's held BiMing tighter against him tighter with one hand and caressed his back with the other hand, attempting to loosen up the muscles there.

  "I... I think..."



BiMing jumped a foot away before whacking XiuYin on the head. "You bastard you said you'd pursue me openly, I think you being way to open!!!"

  XiuYin lowered his head apologetically as he saw the rising tent below...


A/N- Little sneak peak, next chapter will include a little 😘😎👀😘 hehehe, if you know what I mean... ya know... THE much anTicIpAteD bit....hahahha

P.S. To the delight and horror of some... I've started writing another BL novel hahaha.... called 'Meet Me On The Battlefield'...oops XD

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