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A/n: Y'all are lucky, my qoutev readers didn't get two chapters on the day of publication. Soooooo, yeah. Anyway, have fun, my little arrows! Amaria, signing off! Astorath style!! *Poofs away with white flames hiding my escape*

Kids passed you, laughing as they chased each other in the sunrise-touched land. You chuckled, shaking your head. Kids would be kids. "Well, someone's up early!" Nergüi laughed, coming up to you. You chuckled.

"Yes, well, my instructor wants me to go collect some herbs. I was coming to see if you wanted to come with me. It'd be a good chance to catch up, ya know." you offered the male. He ran his hand through his hair, the brown locks falling through the fingertips. You blushed, feeling the sensation of someone running their hands through your own hair.

Because of the action, you could tell that he was amused. "Perhaps I will. I'd love to catch up." The male's brown eyes flickered down at you. "Perhaps we will grow even closer." He added, hope glittering in his earth-like eyes. How you loved them. They were like the earth itself, always nurturing you, giving you energy.
"Perhaps," You replied. A small smile made its way onto your face. As he went to inform his mother that he would be guiding you, you watched the children run around on the grass, pausing to throw a stick for a dog or something.

"Okay. Ready?" Nergüi urged. You nodded, looking at him. He'd brought two horses, already prepared and geared.

"You're so thoughtful, Nergüi." You murmured, gently caressing the white horse's muzzle. "It'd take a lot longer on foot...." Your voice trailed, and you knew that he was doing this not because he wanted to be quick, but because you were thinking about them.

Your parents. They had died when you were a small baby. Your mentor had taken you in, saying that he'd found you in the wreck of a caravan. You loved the master like a father and were grateful for his care and protection. Plus, you were part of a great Clan of the Kou. But you could not help but wonder: what had your parents been like? Where had they come from?

"Y/n. You're muttering again." Nergüi cut into your thoughts. "Let's go. It's no use wondering about the past. But you can wonder of the future." He added with a gentle smile. You nodded.

"I know.... Thank you, my friend."

"HEY!! I COULD BECOME MORE THAN THAT, YA KNOW!!!" He exclaimed. You rolled your eyes, going onto the horse. "Pshh. Race you to the mountain pass!" He changed moods, kicking his horse into high gear.

"Hey! You can't have a head start! You know that Tornado's quicker than any other, and that's cheating!!!" You screamed, also starting to gallop. You passed him easily. Tornado neighed, his head held high as he panted, enjoying the open air.

Being a stallion, of course he was enjoying the freedom that came from the open plains. You laughed, looking back to see Nergüi trying to stay on your tail. "We're here~!" You sang, slowing to a halt.

"So we are. You and Tornado are just too fast. How'd you tame that beast, anyway? He's a wild horse- no way you could tame him."

"We just understand each other." You responded, petting his neck. "He's too beautiful to not be ridden, aren't you, Tornado?" You asked. Tornado knickered, clearly agreeing. "Yeah, you're such a good, wild boy~" You cooed. He started walking, and Nergüi's horse followed. The two of you walked beside each other, following the canyon pass into the mountains.

"Oh my Stars, that must've sucked. But keep in mind you aren't really meant for fighting. Your cute body is more accustomed to knowledge." The brown-haired boy looked ahead. "Huh? What's that?"

You looked over to see. With a small gasp, you dismounted. "Oh my god! This is blooming beyond season! I'm so lucky!!!" You screamed, bouncing in joy. In front of you, a blooming veserith bounced in the spring wind. "Veserith are so useful for giving strength and boosts the immune system! Master will be glad that we found one beyond season!" You explained as you cut down the plant's thorny roses. The tiny barbs prickled your skin, but you wrapped the roses in a spare cloth, already planning to soak the herb. If it was surviving so early in the season, then it would probably be a stronger specimen than expected.

"You get so nerdy when it comes to plants," Nergüi complained as you continued to nerd over the herbs. "Guess you get that from your master, huh?" He asked as you cut rosemary off its bush, careful to not destroy the bush.

"Plants are beautiful. I love them, and they show that no matter what happens, life continues." You told him.

"Yeah.... I guess..." Nergüi scratched his head, embarrassed. You smiled, leading Tornado forward. "The forest is a bit quieter today, isn't it? How unusual...." He went on, looking into the canopy. "The birds seem to be scared off. I wonder if we went passed an angry boar or something?"

"It is... Perhaps we should investigate. There seem to horse prints this way. I don't know if a herd of horses is passing by, so it would make sense to follow these prints, wouldn't you agree?" You asked your friend, pointing to the tracks of horses. He nodded, getting back on his horse.

"The path seems wider too," You noticed that your friend was eyeing everything, untrusting. "I don't like this, Y/n. We should go fetch some more warriors." He went on, clutching the sword on his back. You weren't ready to go back yet; it was too nice out, and you hadn't found nearly enough to continue healing the coughs, chills, and minor scraps that everyone got in the early season.

"But it's easier to investigate if there's only a small group." You pointed out, slowly walking Tornado forwards. "And you're one of the best warriors-" You stopped, looking up at a base on the hills. "Oh my God! How long has this been here?!" You whispered. Shock ran through you as you looked up at the waving flags. Your friend looked up at the flags, then over at you.

"Y/n, we have to go back. Now." He ordered. With that simple wake-up call, both of you thundered towards the village. Trees passed your vision as Tornado and Nergüi's horse panted. "If that's who I think it is, we need to get home as soon as possible. Tornado's faster. Go ahead, Y/n. Run to the village." Nergüi went on, panting.

You nodded, racing forward. Looking back at your friend, you noticed that two other people on horses were chasing you. "Nergüi! Behind you!" You screeched as you gained distance. You looked forward, knowing that he would be okay. He's the best swordsman in the village! He'll be fine! You urged yourself to calm down.

Flashes of pain went down your sides. Oh God! What's wrong?! The village shouldn't be like this! No, it's okay. You're going to come over this rise, and the village is gonna be there just like it's always been! They'll all be fine! You comforted yourself, urging your horse onwards. Going over the rise, your horse skidded to a halt.

He neighed, stopping. You gasped. In front of you, the yurts of the village burned. People were everywhere, screaming in terror. You looked around to see people on horses attacking the villagers. Panic set in as you looked around, watching- and feeling- the pain that these people felt.

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