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Lorenzo de' Medici was exactly how she had expected him to look. Greased back hair, expensive Italian suit, sharp features.

"Dimitri!" He bellowed across the casino lobby. "Who've you brought me?"

Andrei's expression soured visibly. She could tell he didn't like how de' Medici spoke, as if they were dogs and he was choosing one to slaughter. Dimitri merely laughed. "These two claim they have a business deal they would like to conduct with you," he said.

Lorenzo's eyebrows raised. "Interesting. Come."

She followed the Italian, with Andrei behind her. "Welcome to the de' Medici manor," he said. "Passed down from the great Cosimo de' Medici."

"I thought the last one of you guys already died," Carina muttered under her breath, and Andrei bit back a snort.

The Italian laughed, clearly having heard her. "No, darling," he said. "There are still a couple of us left. And I don't plan on ending the bloodline."

He led them through the building, upstairs, down a hallway, before they turned right into an office. She glanced around for any traps, or tell tale signs that they should get out. But there didn't seem to be any.

"So," Lorenzo said, sitting down on his leather chair, and leaning back in an arrogant way. His eyebrows furrowed. "What is the deal?"

Carina pulled out a file from her bag, the file that the two of them had typed up last night to prepare for this. Andrei's hands clenched around the briefcase he was holding, which contained $2.4 million. This was the bribe. And they knew Lorenzo loved money, almost as much as he loved danger.

Lorenzo read through the documents. He was a quick reader, and his eyes gleamed with interest. "I like it," he said, closing the file.

Carina smiled.

"However," the Italian raised an eyebrow. "I have one condition."


"Your lady friend," he looked at Carina, who forced herself to keep a poker face. "In exchange for my services, I would like for her to stay with me."

The director raised an eyebrow. "Unfortunately," he said. "I don't think that's possible at the moment. Perhaps, you would do well to remember that we are the ones doing you a service, and I would rather not you reduce her to a lady of the night."

Lorenzo's eyes widened in disbelief, for just a fraction of a second. Clearly, no one had ever refused him before. "Then you have picked a wrong employer," he said.

"Employer?" Andrei resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Mr. de' Medici, I would like for you to remember that I am part of the Seven. You need me, not the other way around."

"If you didn't need me," de' Medici grinned. "You wouldn't be saying that to provoke me."

Andrei reached into his pocket, but clearly, the other man thought he was doing something else. Immediately, Lorenzo narrowed his eyes and pulled out his gun, pointing it at the director. Andrei wasn't stupid, so he put his hands up. But his eyes glittered with amusement.

"Now, now, gentlemen," Carina smiled sweetly, a smile that covered her poisonous intentions. "No need to get so riled up, Mr. de' Medici. Simply cooperate with us, and you will have everything you ever dreamed of."

Carina held her breath as she watched him slowly lower his gun. But now she was thinking: if Andrei was a part of the Seven, then how did he not know where those kids were?

Rin knows. She's always known. So she picked a few of them for the project. Andrei wasn't supposed to know, but somehow he does.

She exchanged glances with Andrei, and it immediately confirmed her suspicions. And the way Lorenzo had been acting: so relaxed and laidback. No one did that with a member of the Seven, unless they had something up their sleeve. The way he looked at her immediately told her he was planning something.

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