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True Love

“Axiel… A-xi-eeee-llll” I heard my father’s coarse voice call my name from the barn.

“Yes Father” I responded as I got up from where I sat and ran towards the barn.

“Where have you been?” my father asked as I stepped through the doors of the barn, “there’s work to be done young man” he continued.

“Uhm… nowhere, just inside with Gaesam” I answered moving my focus from my father’s face and fixing it on something else.

“Well then, don’t be a lazy lot. Here…” he handed me the ropes tied to the mouth of a horse, “take it out to the field to graze and where is Gaesam, he’s still around right?” he asked.

I gave him a slight nod then starred down at my feet. He knew I hated this chore, taking out the horses to graze. Ask me for anything, but not this.

“Well don’t stand there young man, we don’t have all day, fetch Gaesam” he said clapping his hands as a sign for me to hurry up, “he’ll be taking this one along with you to the field”

I called out to Gaesam and we headed out to the fields. As we walked to the field, we talked about our dreams and plans for the future.

As we got to the field, we fastened the ropes of the horses to a tree and allowed them to graze while we sat by a tree to rest.

“I heard Pininiah will be at the feast” I said as I placed my hand on Gaesam’s shoulder, “will you be making any move there or what?” I asked.

Gaesam gave a big sigh then buried his face in his hands. He was still trying to recover from his loss to Pinuvi at the arena and was trying to avoid any talks about Pininiah.

I gave him a light tap on his shoulder and said “Don’t worry brother, all will be fine”

As we sat down at the base of the tree now talking about something different, we heard a voice singing from within the bushes.

“That sounds like a lady’s voice” I said as I stood up from where I sat, “who could that be” I continued as I began to walk towards the sound.

“Hello!!! Can you hear me” I called out to the person as I made my way through the bushes. Gaesam had already joined me now and was pulling back my cloth trying to stop me from going forward.

As we stepped out of the bushes, we saw a young pretty lady standing by a well. We walked over to the well to meet with her.

“Hello young lady” I said as we got to the well, “a lovely day right” I continued. “Hope you don’t mind me asking what you are doing out here alone in the field?” I asked.

She turned towards us, gave a big smile and went back to starring into the well while she continued singing her song.

She had very dark glowing eyes that could stare right through your soul. She had slim perfect lips, her skin was flawless without spot and light complexioned. Her hair was as dark as coal and her smile was enchanting with the perfect set of dimples.

Gaesam gave me a confused look and made a sign that we should leave. I shook my head in response to his request.

“So, are you going to tell us what you are doing or are you going to torture us with the singing and the starring” I asked a second time.

“You know my grandmother told me that this well has the power to make wishes come true” she said turning towards us with a smile on her face.

“So what are you wishing for?” Gaesam asked, “A new dress I’m guessing or a pair of new shoes?” he asked with a chuckle.

“A new dress, Why would I want a new dress?” she asked, “Anyways I’m done, I already wished for what I want” she said.

“Are you going to tell us what you wished for?” I asked, “not that you must or anything, just wondering” I continued.

She stepped away from the well and began to pace around still humming her song, then she stopped, looked over her shoulder and gave a smile as she said “I wished for true love”.

“True love…?” Gaesam asked, letting out a chuckle.

“What, you don’t believe in true love?” she asked, turning round and looking straight at Gaesam.

“Oh no... I do believe in true love” Gaesam responded, “but my friend here thinks true love is not real, in fact he says love is not real” he continued, “he says it’s just a way of keeping hope alive”

“So you don’t believe in true love?” she asked turning towards me, “you think love is not real?”

“I… I… Erm… I think it’s kind of crazy” I said, “I really don’t think it’s possible to love” I continued.

She looked at me for like five seconds, turned round and said “well boys, see you some other time”

“Hey wait, we didn’t catch your name” I yelled out as she walked away.

“That’s because I didn’t give it” she yelled back peeking back at Gaesam and I over her shoulder.

As she left, Gaesam gave me a light tap on my arm then gave a questioning look. I looked at Gaesam, and then turned my focus back to the direction the lady left in.

“What happened back there brother?” Gaesam asked, “why all the starring and stammering?” he continued.

“I don’t know” I replied, “I just felt heavy and nervous I guess” I said as I turned my focus to Gaesam.

“Oh my God Axiel” Gaesam said with a bright look, “you are falling for her charms” he said letting out a huge laugh.

“Nooo… that’s totally not true” I protested, “that’s not possible, I just… let’s drop it ok” I said and began heading back to where we left the horses.

I couldn’t explain what happened, but deep within me I knew something changed because some part of me couldn’t wait to meet with that lady again and I also felt  bad for not getting her name, but I couldn’t bring myself to thinking it was love.

Hi, I must say thank you again for reading up to this point. I promised to post by Monday but couldn’t cause of school stuff and all. But I hope you like this part.

Little Thought: Looking for a little world you can control, then get a pen and a paper and start writing. With your mind and your pen, you can create any world you want.

If you feel I should continue my lame story, please drop a comment and I’ll keep writing. Oh... I would also appreciate your votes too...  :-)... Anyways, Christopher is my name… Thanks for reading… Bye…

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2012 ⏰

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