It Begins

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Introduction: It Begins

The sound of a woman gasping for breath awakens me. My head is aching so hard I feel like I’ve been hit by a tank.

In the distance I hear people screaming for help. I hear a sound like laughter of the devil himself. I stand up and try to move, but my legs feel heavy. I see a young boy lying in a pool of blood calling out for help.

Wondering where I was, I take a walk round the almost dark room which the only source of light was the ray of the setting sun that pierced into the room through a brown stained window.

As I staggered round the room still trying to figure out where I was, and what was going on, I hear footstep approaching the room in which I was being held and “clank” went the door. Light fills the room as the door gently open, and then I take one moment to look round the room. As my eyes sweep round the room, my legs feel weak at the sight of corpses everywhere, still scanning round the room with my eyes, I see a bold figure coming towards me from the wide opened door. As the figure approached, fear fills my body and immediately I shut my eyes. I mean, you are being held up in a room full of dead people and you see a huge figure coming towards you with no escape plan… who won’t be scared?

With thoughts of death, the underworld, and all kind of bad stuffs running through my mind I prepare myself for the worst. I practically could see my whole life being replayed right in front of me. As I gently opened my eyes, I came face to face with my worst nightmare, an Ugwaluda…

So here’s the thing, the Ugwaluda were like the meanest evil creature that ever lived. Their faces were plain white like stone dead corpses. They had large mouth that could fit a humans head in it, and their teeth were so sharp they could tear through ones bones. They were monsters, monsters that had large hands with an opening on the palm which they use to suck life out of you. They were usually huge and big, the least height being about 5’3. Looking at them, they had the physique of a human, but believe me, they were monsters with no human feelings at all. So, that’s what I was up against as I stood there…

Right in front of me stood an Ugwaluda, from what I saw, I could tell this one was a male. He just stared at me for a while, and I just stood still like a scared little puppy. I had no idea what he would do to me, so I just stood there staring back at him. And finally he made his move, spreading his hands wide and opening his mouth he made a go for me. At this point, I was practically trembling with fear and I knew this was the end. Just then, one last thought ran through my mind…

 “How did this happen?”


If you made it this far, I must say thank you for even opening up this story. I just signed up here on wattpad, and I love the site. Also, I’m new to story writing and all, and I can tell that this story is lame. :-P. It’s actually my first. But if you feel I should continue my lame story, then drop a comment and I’ll keep writing. Oh... I would also appreciate your votes too... 

:-)... Anyways, my name is Christopher… Thanks for reading… Bye… s

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