Harry rolled his ball down the alley, only hitting two of the balls the first time. He grabbed another ball, rolling it down the alley once again, but it ended up being a gutter ball.

He groaned, sitting down on his chair while I stood up. I crossed my fingers before grabbing a ball. I pulled my arm back and then let go, watching the ball go rolling down the alley. It hit one ball, sending all the rest tumbling down.

“Yes!" I exclaimed, turning to Harry. He had a disbelieving look on his face, as if it was impossible that I could have beaten him at bowling. I walked over to him, putting my hands on my hips.

“I let you win," he claimed, resulting in me smacking him.

“Maybe so," I said, “but you still owe me ten pounds."

Harry sighed but reached into his pocket, pulling out a crinkled ten pound note. He handed it to me, and I smiled triumphantly, folding it up and placing it in my pocket.

“So, are we heading back to your house now?" I asked after I had taken off the bowling shoes and slid my feet into my sneakers.

“Not exactly," Harry said, smiling slyly.

I raised an eyebrow but didn't comment, following Harry to his car.

He pulled out of the bowling alley's parking lot, driving down the highway. I turned on the radio, immediately singing along to the song. I sang at the top of my lungs, making Harry smile slightly and roll his eyes.

We went back to Harry's place, making me give him an accusatory look.

“You said we weren't coming back here," I said.

“I said, not exactly," Harry pointed out, turning the car off and getting out. I followed suit, trailing behind him. He turned around and faced me, making me stop in my tracks. “You know the forest place that I showed you?" I nodded. “Go there and wait for me," he instructed.

“Okay, but if I get kidnapped, then I expect you to be my knight in shining armor and to come and save me," I said.

Harry laughed, his dimples prominent. “Okay, don't worry."

I smiled before walking away, heading towards the forest clearing. Once I arrived, I sat down on the rock.

Since Harry wasn't there yet, I decided to try skipping rocks. I picked a flat stone, skipping it over the water. It bounced three times before sinking.

“Nice," Harry said.

I jumped, turning around to find him watching me, a smile on his face. He was holding a picnic basket in one hand, and a blanket in the other.

“Sorry if this is a little bit cliche," Harry apologized, spreading the blanket on the ground. “I just thought picnics are cute."

“That's perfectly okay," I said, getting off of the rock and joining Harry on the blanket. “Picnics are cute."

He smiled, relieved.

“So," I said, “what's in the basket?"

Harry opened it, pulling out sandwiches and chicken fingers. “I think you like both of these, right?" he asked.

“I love both of those," I clarified. “Thank you!" I grabbed a sandwich eagerly, taking a bite as Harry chuckled and took his own sandwich.

We ate and talked for a while. We talked about our different futures, what I wanted to do and what he wanted to do. We talked about the different countries we'd like to visit. We just talked about random things, in general.

Once we were finished, the sun was setting, making the sky an orangey-pinky colour.

“There's the first star of the evening," I said, pointing up. “Make a wish."

Harry squeezed his eyes closed, and I glanced over at him. He mouth was moving, silently saying his wish, and it was the cutest thing ever. Once he had finished, he glanced over at me, and our eyes connected.

He started to lean in, as did I. Maybe this was it. We'd kiss, and realize how much we actually liked each other, and then we'd start dating.

Our lips were so close, and then he jerked away, his eyes wide. There was some kind of emotion there, but I couldn't figure it out.

“Fuck it," Harry spat, standing up. I sat up, bewildered. What was going on?

Harry snatched the basket up harshly, and I scrambled up so he could do so with the blanket as well.

“Harry?" I questioned tentatively. “What's going on?"

He turned and looked me right in the eye, making me feel uncomfortable, but I didn't back down.

“You want to know what's going on?" he repeated. “Here's what's going on: this was all a big prank, okay? I was supposed to make you like me, and then break your heart, so that you'd never come back."

My throat closed up, making it difficult to breath, but I still didn't look away.

“Who's idea was it?" I asked, surprised that my voice didn't waver.

He took a deep breath. “Mine."

I knew it. I knew it was too good to be true.

“I'm glad," I responded, making him blink in surprise.

“What?" He stated at me.

“I'm glad that you did this," I said. “Because, you know what?" I laughed bitterly. “I was actually falling for you, Harry. Even though I knew I shouldn't, I was starting to. But I'm so happy that you did this, you ass, because you proved to me right. I should never have agreed to this stupid babysitting job in the first place. I wish I'd never met you, Harry!"

I stomped off, not bothering to look behind me to see his reaction. I could care less.


nooooooooooooooo clarry

I actually started tearing up when I was writing this :'(

soo how many of you saw this coming hah

question from @ewashton: do you like cheese and can I kiss you?

my answer: um yes and yes

if anyone wants to ask a question go ahead

my question for you guys: do you have any nervous habits? mine is that I always play with my nails

have a great day

ps some shameless self promotion: go check out my new story Sadist and my 5sos account @socialcasualteeshirt pls pls pls and thanks


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