Grand Stand - Chapter 2

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Silo would scamper off into the large mob of shoppers in an attempt to fish out his Father, Ranch, so he could spend time with him. "Father!!", The blonde boy would struggle for air in the vast crowd as he called out for his male parental, no one bothering to even help Silo as he continued to run into people's legs. Silo suddenly felt a large, hard hand grab hold of his wrist and pull him up. He would shut his eyes tightly and flinch up, hoping the mysterious grabber wasn't going to hurt him...

Silo opened a single eye and looked around. "What..?", he would question oblivious to the knowledge that he was facing in the wrong direction. The hand would turn Silo around revealing a light orange face, bright red eyes, and a friendly smile. "Howdy there, kiddo! I saw you were having trouble keeping up with the crowd, so I decided to help you out a little!", a deep voice would speak happily. Remaining grasped by his wrist he would flash a toothy smile as his little eyes would glisten in the basking sunlight casted over Clock Town. "Thank you so much!", Silo would say as he squirmed around happily, his scarf catching onto a cool passing breeze. "The name's Feve! But, most folk call me Alp! I'm a Goron in search for a place that is very chilly. If I can't get to my frozen fantasy, i'll just settle for second best!", Feve would state as he carried Silo to a spot the large crowd wasn't flocking up at and proceeded to set him down gently.
Silo, seemingly having a change in attitude, would shakily reach up to shake the large, stone-fleshed Goron's hand.
"I-I'm Silo...", the young boy would speak behind shyness. This new perspective on Feve was rather intimidating now that his view is much lower than before.

"What's with the change in tone, kiddo..? You seemed excited before! Where'd your gusto run off to..?", Feve would laugh heartily as he 'gently' patted the boy's head. Silo, now on his face, would peel himself off of the very ground he stood upon a few moments ago, trying to retain his smile.
"H-Heh it's... uhh... here..?", he would say weakly before flashing an awkward yet patient smile while looking up at the Goron from the ground, a subtle and shaky thumbs up would be held high as the sound of popping bones would emit from the youth's body while he pulled himself off of the street of Clock Town. "M-My Father..!", Silo would exclaim, darting his head around the crowd to try and locate his concession stand once again. "-Feve!", he would shout. "Please, my Father's stand! We must get there, he must be worried sick!"

The Goron would reach down and pick Silo back up, placing him into his shoulder and giving the obstacle ahead, the crowd, a determined look. Grinding his foot against the ground a few times like a bull would kick up a small cloud of dust behind him before taking a running start. He would throw his arm in front of his body like a football player to protect his face from any impact. He would allow his arm and momentum to collide into a rather large woman, the sheer force of the impact would shake the ground enough to knock everyone off of their feet. The sound of pots breaking and people complaining would flood the area, giving Silo and Feve enough time to cross the river of people.
"There!!", Silo would yell as he pointed toward his Father's stand, Feve would then throw Silo over the crowd and directly onto the wooded roof of the destination. Silo, suprisingly, falling straight through...

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