Ohmtoonz - More Than a Gift

Start from the beginning

Cool it Luke, it's just your neighbor. Your super cute neighbor who's leaving to visit family for Christmas in a few hours and this is your last chance to actually say something about how you feel in person for the next 2 weeks.


Pushing his inner monologue aside, he swung the door open to be met by the sight of lively blue-green eyes shining happily back at him.

"Hi, 'Toonzy!" Just the utterance of the nickname the other gave him sent Luke practically reeling, barely keeping his composure as he replied with his own little nickname for his neighbor.

"Hey, Ohm." He stepped aside, allowing Ryan to enter through the door and bound into the living room; a dark green scarf with omegas decorating the ends trailing behind him. Brown eyes watched carefully as the warm clothing-clad man perched on the edge of the couch with ease, completely comfortable with making himself at home in the other's house as though it was second nature. There was nothing particularly special about the scene before him, but Luke couldn't help feeling a warm glow in his chest at the sight of his handsome crush lounging happily on the old furniture; glasses slipping down the pale bridge of his nose in a way that the southernern couldn't help but find adorable.

"So, Ryan, since you're planning on leaving tonight I figured I'd go ahead and give you your Christmas present early, so you don't have to wait y'know." He didn't waste time getting to the point as he plopped onto the couch next as well, the blunt transfer into conversation nothing new to the other.

"Oh, you didn't have to get me anythi-!"

"Ah, ah, ah! Stop that shit, it's too late, I already got the damn thing and you're getting it anyway," the bearded man interrupted him loudly with a raised hand. Ohm let his mouth stay open for a moment before closing it with hesitation, rolling his eyes with a laugh.

"Whatever, 'Toonzy, as long as you didn't get me something inappropriate!"

"Aw shit, you mean you didn't want a pink thong for Christmas? I guess I'll just have to give it to Delirious then." The joke left Ryan practically in tears laughing, a hand coming up to swat the other man's bicep playfully. Cartoonz let a chuckle out in return, elated at the having made such a sweet sound come from his crush. He took that moment of amusement to worry about why Jonathan hadn't returned yet. There was no need for him to get off the couch however, as though by some psychic magic, his best friend came stumbling down the stairs on cue with his hands behind his back.

"Hey, Ohm- ah fuck!" The shout was swiftly followed by a crash as the gangly man tumbled to the carpeted flooring face first, hands too preoccupied to catch himself.

The bundled up figure on the couch fell into another round of giggles at the situation while Luke made his way over to the mess of a man on the floor. "Ah hah, there's the bastard. I'll be takin' this!" Not bothering to help Delirious to his feet, the southerner reached down to swipe the object from his friend's hands, earning a, "What the fuck, Cartoonz?!" in return.

"You can get up yourself, you big baby," he shot back, finding his way back to his spot next to his neighbor. He glanced down at the gift in his hands, rolling his eyes at the slightly sloppy craftmanship of the wrapping, but nevertheless grateful for it being presentable enough. "Anyway, uh, here's your present. Merry early Christmas?" Luke tried to laugh it off as he timidly handed the item over to the other on the couch.

The bearded man raised an eyebrow in suspicious as a snicker left Jonathan, who had gotten off the floor and was now retreating back upstairs hastily. The quick action made a sliver of fear sit in his stomach as Ryan thanked him and started at peeling away the bright paper.

Luke winced slightly as a soft gasp escaped the other brunet, but he was washed with relief as hazel eyes sparkled up at him joyfully. "This is such a cute gift, Luke! You even remembered my favorite breed!" Ohm beamed at him, lifting the stuffed Jack Russell from the remaining wrapping. A small, "Oh," left the other though as something fell from his hands onto the floor.

The gift giver knit his eyebrows together in confusion, there wasn't supposed to be anything else with the plush. Suddenly leaving wrapping the present to Delirious seemed like a bad idea way too late.

Ryan leaned down to picked up the white piece of paper that had fallen to the floor, colorful eyes scanning over it quickly, leaving Cartoonz to panic internally. He watched as the other man's eyes widened slightly, a pink hue tinting his pale cheeks.

"L-Luke? Do you mean it?" The question was delivered in such a soft tone, it took a moment for the southerner to process it.

"What?" He blurted out, reaching over and taking the paper from his crush's hands and reading it himself. Written in red inked, slightly messy handwriting was a simple message:

'Merry Christmas, Ryan. I've liked you for awhile so, will you be my present this year? ♥'


Real fucking classy, Jon.

The quick thought flitted through his brain before he too was beginning to fluster heavily, jaw hanging open slightly as he tried to think of what to say. He mustered the courage to look back up Ryan, seeing a still pink face staring back, eyes almost holding a hopeful look to them?

Hopeful, could his crush possibly be hoping it was true?

"'Toonzy? You seem confused, did you not write that?" The words came out hesitant and slightly hurt sounding, causing the bearded man's heart to clench slightly.

"No, er, I mean. Ah, fuck," he stumbled over his words awkwardly, reaching up to scratch his cheek as he sighed heavily. "I'm not the one who wrote it, no. It was Delirious being a sneaky little fucker, but... It is true." He finished the sentence without looking at the other, instead choosing to stare down at the paper in his hands, defeated.

It was silent for a moment before an excited giggle broke through the air. "Well I guess now would be a good time to tell you I'm not leaving then." Luke's head snapped up quickly, mouth opening in confusion.


"Yeah, the whole family get-together got cancelled 'cause a lot of people got sick. So since I'm staying in town, could I maybe interest you in a date...?" Ohm trailed off in his question, being the one to look off in embarrassment instead, a small nervous smile playing at his lips. Luke just sat dumbfounded for a moment, taking a hot minute to process the information he just received before breaking out into a huge grin.

"No shit I'll take you up on a date, I didn't just confess by accident for nothing," he joked with newfound ease, gaining some of his usual confidence back.

The positive reaction was immediate, the southerner being thrown backwards onto the couch by the force of Ryan's body colliding with his own in a warm hug. A giggle of happiness was let out of the man now on top of him, and chapped but lovingly sweet lips melded to his perfectly like the action was a long awaited arrival to home; pure elation practically glowing from both figures on the old couch.

And despite the circumstances of how it happened, Luke couldn't help but be grateful for his shithead of a best friend helping him get the greatest gift he ever could've asked for.


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