Chapter 10- Almost Everyone Together

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That night, all the girls where back in the room, almost all of them wore the biggest grins.

"Wow, what has you made all of you so happy?" Dawn asked, already in the room.

At first, they just smiled bigger, confusing her.

"Well, Drew and I...we are together now!" May squealed, with a blush.

"And so are Tracey and I." Misty smiled.

"Trip told me that he liked me and I told him I felt the same." Iris admitted.

"Gary asked me out." Zoey replied.

"Kiawe confessed that he had a crush on me!" Mallow squeaked as she jumped up.

"Gladion said he likes me too." Luna mused.

"Sun and I confessed our love for one another." Lillie cooed, dreamily.

"Barry and I are a couple now." Bianca remarked, trying to fix her ruffled hair.

Dawn smiled, "That's great you guys. I'm really happy for you. What about you, Serena?"

"Nothing has happened with me yet, but thanks for asking." Serena replied, a slight hiss to her voice, but only Dawn heard it.

"Oh, well I hope you get him." Dawn said, trying to sound assuring.

"What's wrong, Dawn?" May asked.

Dawn gave a sigh and rubbed her arm as she spoke "Kenny got mad at me because I told him I don't like him that way, after he said he did. I'm really worried."

"I wouldn't worry Dawn. I'm sure he will come around and be friends with you again. He just needs time." Luna assured her.

"I hope so." Dawn stated, looking to the floor. Then she cleared her throat and asked "Anyway, how did all this happen? I want details."

So the girls took turns telling how it happened, with a blush and huge grin.

Meanwhile, the guys were also back in their room, almost all of them equally as happy. Ash was sitting on the couch when all of them came back. All but Clemont wore a very happy, goofy smile.

"I take it you had a good day." Ash stated, with an amused grin.

They all took a seat on the couches, the smiles never fading.

With a flip of his hair, Drew remarked "I just told May something that I have been meaning to for a while and it made both of us really happy."

"I asked Zoey out on a date for when we get back." Gary said.

"I got Olivia to be my girlfriend!" Brock exploded happily.

"Burgundy told me she loves me." Cilan chimed in a sing-song voice.

"Misty and I are together." Tracey responded.

"I had a great time with Bianca." Barry grinned slyly.

"I confessed about my crush on Mallow." Kiawe responded, scratching the back of his head.

"Lana and I just went out on a date." Sophocles stated. Everyone looked to the shorter inventor, surprised. "What? We have been dating for a while, it's not my fault no one else knew about it."

", how did it happen?" Ash questioned.

The guys also took turns, partly trying to outdo the others. While Clemont stayed silent, his eyes to the floor and head resting in his hand.

A few hours later, everyone was in bed, but not everyone was asleep. Ash was still having trouble sleeping, thoughts of what everyone said and his time with Dawn. There was so much on his mind and he needed to get some fresh air to think. Ash got up and got dressed, waking Pikachu up my mistake.

"Pikachu?" Pikachu cooed sleepily.

"Sorry, buddy I didn't mean to wake you. I just need to get out for a second." Ash whispered, not wanting to wake anyone else up.

Pikachu nodded and jumped off the bed and waited by the bedroom door. Ash smiled as quickly finished changing and walked up to the door. He slowly turned the nob as Pikachu climbed into his shoulder. He tiptoed out of the room and went out of the hotel, onto the beach. He sat on the sand and just watched the stars sparkling and listened to the soothing sound of the waves. Pikachu sitting in his lap, also looking out over the water.

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