Chapter 3- partnering up

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Suddenly, others from Ash's previous travels began to appear. There was Trip, Burgundy, Olivia, Kenny, and Brianna. No one really noticed until they started picking their partners.

"See you guys later. I'm going to go find myself a partner!" Brock remarked and ran off to find a team mate and possibly girlfriend.

"Um, Tracey, would you mind being my partner?" Misty asked nervously.

"Oh, sure Misty." Tracey answered with a smile.

And they went to the booth and sighed up.

"May, would you like the honor of being my partner?" Drew asked cockily, as he flipping his hair.

"Hmmm, I guess." May replied, acting annoyed.

"Great." Drew stated, with another flip of his hair.

"Dreeeeew!" Brianna called as she ran up to him.

"Brianna, what are you doing here?" May asked, surprised to see her.

"I always follow Drew where ever he goes." Brianna cooed. "Right Drew?" Brianna said with a huge blush on her cheeks. "Anyway, would you like to my partner Drew?"

"I already promised May to be her partner." Drew stated.

"Oh, ok." Brianna said, sadly. "I'll see you later Drew."

May stared at him a moment and said awkwardly "Um, how about we sign up?"

"Sure." Drew said with relief and they walked up to sign up.

"Hey Gladion, would you like to be partners? It could be fun." Luna questioned hopefully.

"Sure." Gladion responded simply.

Luna smiled, really happy that it took such little effort to make him agree.

Serena was about to walk up and ask Ash, but Bonnie stopper her before she could. "Hey Serena, you should be partners with Clemont. He doesn't really know the other girls and he will be to nervous to ask any of them. Please?" Bonnie begged with lillipup eyes.

"But I..." Serena began, looking back towards Ash.

"Ash, why don't we be partners? It will be just like old times." Dawn suggested.

"Of course, Dawn!" Ash remarked enthusiastically and gave her a high five.

", sure I'll be your partner Clemont." Serena answered with a small smile. 'After all, just because we aren't partners doesn't mean we can't spend time together.' Serena concluded in her mind.

"Hey De De." Kenny greeted, once he approached her. "Are you participating in the scavenger hunt?"

"Yes." Dawn smiled, turning to her childhood friend.

"Cool, so how about we become partners?" Kenny asked cooly.

"Oh, sorry Kenny, but I am already Ash's partner." Dawn apologized.

"It's fine." Kenny stated, a bit hurt and walked away.

"See you later Kenny." Dawn waved to him.

"Mallow, how about we be partners?" Kiawe asked, a bit nervous.

"Sure, Kiawe." Mallow replied happily.

"Why don't we be partners this?" Lana asked Sophocles.

"Yeah." Sophocles said with a thumbs up.

"So, Bianca, would you like to be partners?" Barry asked with a flirty smile.

"Sure!" Bianca remarked with a giggle.

"Since we are the only two left, how about it?" Gary asked Zoey.

"I don't know, there is one more." Zoey remarked, just to get under his skin.

"What? You would pick the green haired butler over me?" Gary questioned, with fake offense.

Zoey giggled at his response and answered "Yeah, I'll be your partner."

"Good." Gary breathed with fake relief.

"I guess it's just the two of us. Want to be-" Iris tried to ask but was interrupted.

"Cilan!" Burgundy suddenly exclaimed.

Cilan and Iris turned toward the female connoisseur.

"Burgundy? What are you doing here?" Cilan asked.

"It's the annual Pokémon convention. It an exclusive event, why wouldn't I be here?" Burgundy stated as she put a hand over her chest. "What are you doing here?"

"I was invited by Ash." Cilan replied simply.

Burgundy glared at him but questioned "So, what are you doing here, in this spot?"

"I'm signing up for the scavenger hunt." Cilan responded.

Burgundy glanced behind him for a moment, then back to him as if thinking about something.

"Iris?" Trip questioned even though he knew it was her. Who could forget that hair?

"Trip, what are you doing here?" Iris asked meeting his gaze.

"It's a prestigious event. Who wouldn't be here?" Trip stated, crossing his arms.

Iris remarked with a casual smile "Well, not all of us have the opportunity to do this stuff all the time and being the little kid that you are, I'm not surprised you asked." Iris smirked at him and she put her arms behind her head.

Trip exhaled and glanced at the scavenger hunt booth, ignoring her 'little kid' comment. To the best of his abilities, it was always so hard to ignore when she did so.

"You signing up for the scavenger hunt?" Trip asked, his eyes still glued to the booth.

"Yeah?" Iris replied a bit confused.

"Want to be partners?" Trip questioned.

"Wait, you want to be my partner?" Iris asked surprised.

"Yes, do you want to or not?" Trip asked again.

"Um, ok, I guess we are partners." Iris stated.

"Oh look, you don't have a partner. I guess I could do you the favor and be your partner." Burgundy remarked and walked up to the booth to sigh up with the rest of them.

"Oh, I don't seem to have a partner." Lillie worried. But then she noticed her friend Sun she meet soon after Ash left. "Hey Sun!" She called.

He turned to her and smiled "Lillie?" He came over to her. "It's great to see you. How have you been?"

"I'm doing well. Listen, can you be my partner for the scavenger hunt? It would be really fun, I promise." Lillie said.

"Of course I will! Let's sign up." Sun answered.

Once they were all signed up, Brianna and Kenny were standing off to the side, bitter that their crushes had another partner.

"Hey, why don't we team up?" Kenny asked her.

"Why would I do that?" Brianna questioned horrified. "I would never betray Drew like that."

"To make them jealous. It's perfect, if they see us together then they will think we are a couple and come running back to us." Kenny explained.

"Yeah, your right. Let's do it." Brianna said excited.

So the two signed up to be partners, in hopes to win the hearts of their crushes.

"Hey guys I found a partner!" Brock exclaimed, pointing to Olivia.

Once everyone was signed up, the girls and guys split up to go exploring and do what they wanted. The girls went shopping and to the spa, while the guys went to go battle and look for other competitions. Bonnie and Max were put in charge of caring for the girls Pokémon.

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