Chapter 8- confessing part 2

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Meanwhile, Iris was in a tree, searching for the statues, while Trip stayed on the ground, leaning against the trunk. He too was thinking about how to tell Iris.

"It's not here and I can't see any sigh of them from up here." Iris called down to him. "I'm coming down." Trip just watched as she gracefully jumped from the tree and landed on her feet with ease. "I think we should try the hotel lobby. Maybe it's hidden in plain sight or something. What do you think?" Iris said turning to face him. He didn't reply and Iris quickly became impatient. "Hello? If you offered to be my partner, then how about a little help."

"That's not why I wanted to be your partner." Trip responded.

Iris tilted her head in confusion. "Then why?"

"Because, I really like you. Since meeting you, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. Your just so pretty, kind, strong, graceful, and just really down to earth. I just thought you should know." Trip confessed. "Come on, let's find the statues." He said and pushed himself off the tree trunk, turning to walk off.

"Wait!" Iris declared, grabbing his arm. "I feeling the same. I have liked you for a while too." Iris smiled. She then kissed his cheeks and ran a head yelled over her shoulder "Come on slow poke, let's find the statues!"

Trip just shook his head with a smile and ran after her. 

Elsewhere, Cilan and Burgundy were walking around the hotel. Burgundy was unusually quiet though, and Cilan was becoming worried.

"Are you alright, Burgundy?" Cilan asked, worried.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" Burgundy stated as she crossed her arms, trying to act casual, but failing.

"I don't know, but your acting...different. You can talk to me about it." Cilan responded looking at her.

Burgundy felt a blush coming to her cheeks and turned away from him slightly. Sure, she came to resent him for beating her at first, but as the years went on her feelings for him changed. She found herself crushing on him then it formed to loving him. But, how could Burgundy tell him after how awful she has treated him?

"Um, well...I um..." Burgundy stammered as she tucked a piece of her purple hair behind her ear.

"Burgundy?" Cilan said, putting his hand on her shoulder, as they both stopped. She turned to him, her cheeks still a bright red. "What's wrong? Please tell me." Cilan pleaded concerned.

Burgundy gulped as she looked into his eyes. "Cilan, I..."

"Oh my goodness! Cilan, is that you?" The two heard a female call out to him.

The two connoisseurs turned to see who it could be. She had brown hair tied in two wavy ponytails and bangs. Her eyes were a greenish color and she wore a light blue shirt and jeans.

"Layla?" Cilan asked unsure.

"Yep. It's been ages, how have you been?" Layla questioned with a smile.

"I'm doing great. How is work at the daycare?" Cilan said.

"It's going pretty good." Layla giggled.

As the two continued to talk, Burgundy stood back. She just watched them talk and began to regret being his partner. He wouldn't be happy with her, and this girl he was talking to was sweet and adorable. Burgundy swallowed the lump in her throat and took a step back, about to walk away, but Cilan noticed.

"Oh, and this is my partner for the scavenger hunt, Burgundy." Cilan introduces, taking her arm gently, and pulling her back.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Layla greeted with a smile and held out her hand.

"Nice to meet you too." Burgundy said and shook the girls hand.

"This is Layla, I met her at a Pokémon daycare back when I traveled with Ash." Cilan informed Burgundy. "And Burgundy was a challenger at my gym and is now a connoisseur like me."

"Wow, really? That's cool." Layla remarked. But before she could say another word her Pokégear beeped. "Oh no! Sorry I have to go. Bye, Cilan." She waved to him and ran off.

"Bye." Cilan waved. He then turned back to Burgundy and asked "Now, what were you saying?"

"Nothing, never mind. Let's just keep looking." Burgundy dismissed it.

"Come on, what is it?" Cilan questioned.

"It's not important." Burgundy growled.

"Then just tell me. Because if it really seems to be bothering you, but if it's not then just say it." Cilan argued.

"Maybe I don't want to. Maybe I can't tell you, ok? Just drop it." Burgundy grumbled, crossing her arms.

"Why?" Cilan asked, now getting frustrated.

"Because...maybe I..." Burgundy paused, trying not to explode on him. However, it wasn't really working "...Maybe I fell in love with you and know that you would never, in a million years, love me! Maybe I know that you would be better with that daycare girl! Maybe I shouldn't have butt-in and become your partner! You would be better off with someone else." Burgundy whispered the last part, and averted her eyes from him. All the frustration Cilan felt disappeared when he heard what she said. Cilan blinked twice, in shock, processing it. Burgundy just stood there, embarrassed and not making eye contact. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said anything...bye.." Burgundy whimpered and began to walk away.

Cilan shook his head, bringing him back from his thoughts and went after her.

"Wait, Burgundy!" Cilan called after her.

He had to chase her through the hotel until she was in the hall of her hotel room. She thought she had lose him and gave a sigh of relief, allowing the tears to finally come free. Suddenly, an arm hit the wall, blocking her path, startling her. She turned to see Cilan, panting from running after her. Both his arms outstretched on both sides of her, so she could not escape.

"Burgundy..." Cilan panted "...just wait...a..second."

Burgundy leaned against the wall, trying to somehow disappear into it.

"Cilan, please don't say anything." Burgundy looked away, refusing to meet his gaze. "I already know..." Burgundy trailed off. She could feel him leaning forward and her curiosity turned her back to face him. Just as she turned to face him, his mouth was on hers. It was a quick kiss, but still shocked her, a lot.

He pulled back and confessed "I love you too. I really do, ok?"

"Ok." Burgundy whispered. Then they hugged and Cilan slowly led her back out to the hotel lobby.

Meanwhile, Luna and Gladion were on their way back from town, having given up for the day. Luna was talking, but Gladion was silent, just listening just like when they had met back in Alola. Then Luna suddenly turned silent, thinking about if she should tell him.

"Something wrong?" Gladion wondered, what the cause of the sudden silence.

"No nothing is wrong, but I want you to know something." Luna replied.

"Ok, spill." Gladion stated.

"Before I do though, I want you to know that...if you don't agree, which I can't imagine you would, that we can still be friends. Can you promise me?" Luna asked, looking to him.

"Sure. Now can you tell me?" Gladion questioned.

"Yeah. I really, really like you, Gladion and I have for I while. Just wanted you to know." Luna admitted. "Now, I'm going to head back to the room, see ya later."

"Luna." Gladion said, gaining her attention before she disappeared.

"Yeah?" Luna questioned nervously, when she stopped.

Gladion walked forward until he was next to her and took her hand, causing her to blush. "I like you too." Gladion declared with a small smile on his face.

Luna too smiled and they continued to walk back to the hotel.

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