Chapter 23//Troye

Start from the beginning

I finally fall asleep after browsing Tumblr for awhile. I fall asleep with a smile on my face thanks to Austin and partially Tyler. I feel so lucky to have such an awesome boyfriend like Austin and two really sweet roommates like Connor and Tyler.

I feel like I have too much. Two amazing guys like me. I like two amazing guys. They are so different, yet the same. Tyler's smarter than Austin. Tyler's a better singer than Austin. Tyler knows how to make me tick like Austin doesn't. Austin's a better athlete than Tyler. I wonder how cute and romantic Tyler would be if we were together. Surely a person with his experience must have cuter things up his sleeve then Austin does. I wonder what happened between Austin and Tyler.

I wake up to a pillow in my face and bright light shining through the window. I groan rolling over intending on falling back asleep but I don't get my wish as Connor shakes my foot. I feel my head throbbing and I search for some water. Connor throws me a bottle and I drink it in one gulp.

"You're boyfriend is at the door." Connor says taking advantage of the use of the now true word. I sit up to fast bumping my head on the top bunk. I grab my head in my hands and talk to Connor softly so Austin won't hear.

"I haven't showered and I'm not dressed tell him to come back in an hour." Connor tells Austin to basically go away as I start getting my things ready for a shower. As soon as I'm sure Austin's gone I run to the shower. I shower quickly wanting to be able to spend as much time as possible with Austin.

By the time I make it back to my room it's noon. I text Austin telling him to meet me in the dining hall. I fix my hair one more time then start walking to the dining hall. I'm wearing Austin's jacket and I'm fiddling with the sleeves when I feel a kiss on the back of my neck.

"Austin James." I say wrapping my arms around his neck while still facing forward. His arms curl around my waist and he kisses my neck again. Then he settles for just an arm around me.

"Troye Sivan." we walk to the dining hall together and I can see and hear people talking about us. Austin gives me a look that says 'ignore them' so I do. I focus on talking to Austin. I focus on the way his eyes shine when he talks to me. The way every kiss feels just a little better.

Times flies before me when I'm with Austin. Hours seem like seconds and before I know it it's the end of November. Austin and my relationship only seems to be growing stronger and stronger. Homecoming night they crowned both of us homecoming Kings and it was the best night I've had so far. Tyler still seems to be with that red headed Ethan kid but they still don't seem to be too serious. Tyler and I have actually somehow managed to become really good friends. He still hasn't told me the past between him and Austin but I feel like he will soon. Tyler and I just click in a way that I never have with anyone else. We tell each other a lot. The only thing we really don't talk about is our relationships.

"Babe!" I turn my head to the side looking at Tyler sitting on the couch in front of me. We are sitting in the tree house on a Friday night. Tyler has taken to calling me babe all the time and I don't really mind at all. That kind of describes Tyler and I's relationship. It's flirty but it's still chill at the same time.

"Yes, Tilly?" I ask using the nickname that I know he loves. I called him it that night we drank and it's just stuck since then but Tyler only lets me call him that. I think that's sweet. I get to have a special name for him that no one else can call him.

"Come cuddle it's cold." I roll my eyes at his whiney tone slipping Austin's jacket off my shoulders before joining Tyler under the blanket. Tyler has accepted Troystin but he still can't stand when I cuddle him and I smell like Austin. I have to give Austin his jacket back on away game days so it still smells like him. Tyler seems happy for me but sometimes I still catch him watching me with a sad expression on his face.

Tyler starts a movie and he curls up in my arms. His head snuggles into the fabric of my tee shirt and we settle in to watch the movie. I stroke Tyler's hair knowing that he has a particularly fondness for this. He says he likes it when I do it though.

"Tyler relax. You feel tense." I say after about fifteen minutes, his body slowly relaxes sinking further into mine. I take a deep breath of his scent and I feel totally relaxed. His scent mixed with the smell of the cold autumn air is so delicious. We don't talk at all through the movie when it finishes Tyler sighs not moving from his spot curled in my arms.

"So..." I sat after a few moments trying to decide if I really want to ask him about this or not. I mean I'm really curious and just want to know if what I think is the truth. "Are you and Ethan like a legit thing?"

Tyler pulls away from like I expect him to. I don't expect him to be able to talk about this while casually cuddling with me. Tyler fixes his hair, running a hand through the already perfect lilac locks. He looks into his lap then back up at me.

"No. He's like an extended boy toy I guess. He really likes me and I feel bad that I don't feel the same way. It's fun hanging out with him, I guess, and I like kissing him. We don't really have that much in common, though. He's not actually really my type. I feel bad for leading him on like this when I like someone else." he breaks our eye contact when he says someone else. Might as well just replace that with you. Tyler still likes me? Obviously a lot because of how he's reacting. My liking for Tyler has only grown stronger since the first week of school.

There has been several almost incidents between Tyler and I. Apparently neither of us has all that much self control. We always seem to be able to stop when we are about to do something though. It doesn't seem to affect our friendship which is weird as fuck because it should. I mean who almost kisses their best friend? Who has extremely thirsty thoughts about their best friend when they see him naked?

"Sorry." he mutters his hands fiddling with the blanket nervously. "I didn't want to make this awkward. I just haven't said it in awhile-" I cut off Tyler's ranting raising a hand into the air. He stops talking and stares up at me.

"Tyler it's okay. I understand. Doesn't change that I have a boyfriend though. I'm sorry. I don't want you to feel like this." Tyler stares at me for a long time before he says something I've been waiting to here for a long time.

"I want to tell you what happened between me and Austin."



Dun Dun Dun

Hey what's up you guys it's Amanda and I am so excited right now. Read at your own risk: Troystin is ending soon. Not right after Tyler tells Troye but pretty soon after that. I really like this chapter. I hope you guys had fun reading this, I had fun writing this. I love you see you all soon.


Can we please talk about I passed 100 followers on here!! That's insane.

I love you little.chicken fingers.

Tumblr/Twitter: SmilingTilly

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