Chapter 1

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(Please don't hate me I love Natsha she's my favorite )

The Baby was born to Steve and Natsha unfortunately there was a complation
and both their lives were in danger.
The doctors rushed to help Natasha and baby. Natsha wasn't able to have kids because of what the red room did to her but her and Steve did manage to get pregnant well just Nat, I guess you could say she's a miracle baby but now both hers and Natasha lives were in grave danger . After a few hours the doctors were able to deliver the baby but since she was a premi baby they put her in a incabature to watch her and keep her safe one doctor try to keep her alive . Another doctor worked on Natsha but unfortunately she passed away. The doctor who was  working on the baby was trying her best to keep the baby stable once she did they told Steve what had happened they also explained to him that the baby needed to stay in the hospital so she could finish develop.
Steve stayed with her.

Tony's pov;
Steve had told all of us that Natasha died giving birth their daughter I felt bad for him since they had been trying hard to have one. I went to visit Steve at the hospital to check on him and take him food . Steve will not eat if he's worried about something so I had to make sure he had something to eat . Once I got to the hospital I asked where they were keeping the baby Rogers they nurse told me and I went to see her and Steve. "Steve, how are you holding up?" I walked over closer to him to see her better gosh she sure was pretty for a baby but very tiny can a baby that small survive? I headed Steve the bag of food Pepper had made him. I saw he was sleeping in the chair poor Steve been through a lot .

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