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March 28th, 2020.

My name is Tara Gaurvin. I'm seventeen years old and I have a message to everyone out there. There are only a few of us left and our numbers are slowly dying. We are scattered all over the world with a vision larger and vaster than anything anyone can think of.

We are Believers and we fight to protect what we can only bring forth from within ourselves. Our imagination. We strive hard to keep fandoms alive in a world growing with modern technology. There are many ways in which we interact with this dimension, totally accessible to those who wish to see it. But I warn you, this is a place nonexistent to the mind that doesn't believe but it's a whole other world for people like us; Believers.

Anyone is welcome in this magical world... only if you have the imagination to see it better.

A place on the tip of imagination,

Lies within the pages of a single book.

A curious mind might occasionally enter,

But be sealed within without a way to come back through.

The eyes that glare through the mist may scare you,

But the claws that tear through the skin can kill you.

Just keep your head and don't stop moving,

You'll get to the other side but there's no knowing.

You turn the pages of this book,

And suddenly everywhere you look,

Has changed completely but anyways,

You've entered in, now find a way to escape!

When Fantasy Becomes Reality:The cursed realmWhere stories live. Discover now