hawk moths reavel

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Marinette: "hey adrian i think we should move in together would u move in w/ me "
Adrian: "yeah i would but we should wait till were in collage
Marinette: your right so next year "
Adrian: "yeah
W/ hawk moth"
Hawkmoth: "hey nooroo i love adrian and all but i want him out of my house hes 17 "
Nooroo: "but master he said he was gonna move out when he is 18 "
Hawkmoth:" your right
Well dutys calls "
Nooroo: "hey i think u should pass the hawk moth dutys to adrian master"
Hawkmoth:" i think your right on his 18 birthday."
1 year later on adrians birthday
Adrian: "dad im gonna move out
Next week me and marinette found an apartment."
Gabriel agreste: "okay son i need to show u something."
Adrian:"what is it?"
Gabriel:" you know hawk moth right?"
Adrian:"yeah why?"
Gabriel: "your gonna fallow the family Legacy!"
Adrian: "your hawkmoth i need to be some where okay i'll be back give me 20 minutes please."
Adrian runs over to marinette's house
Adrian: "marinette my dads hawk moth and i have no one to talk to but u he expects me to be the next Hawkmoth"
Marinette: "adrain are you okay if u want u can stay with me.,
Adrian: ,no I'll go home tell my dad i dont wanna be hawk moth and get his miraculous and then give it master fu"
Marinette: "or ladybug and catnoir can go get the miraculous so he doesn't know who you are and we won't be in danger."
Adrian:"that's a better plan"

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