Human Settlement on Nividar Part 6

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    Melody discovers an Easter basket full of candy one day while picking berries. She goes to pick up the Easter basket and is captured inside a trap.

    Melody is crying when Eckrel comes to let her out of the trap. "It's okay, Sweetie," Eckrel says, petting her sofly. 

   "Melody no come you!" The human says in Nivish, squirming hard to escape, but Eckrel is too strong for her.

   "Yes, Melody come," Eckrel says, carrying her over to thier vehicle. Melody is allowed to keep the Easter basket. 

   Melody is taken to the Vet. "It looks like she did a pretty good job taking care of herself. I wonder what she's been eating for food," the Vet says while examining her.

   "Can we find out?" Eckrel asks. Melody has been put to sleep so as not to frighten and upset her.

   "Sure," the Vet replies, carefully taking stool and urine samples from the human. "Once these are analyzed we'll know what she's been eating," they say, petting Melody softly.

   Melody doesn't have her tracking device anymore, but her DNA is matched to thier database to locate her in the Lost Pet Registry so they can locate her owner in order to contact them.

   It is discovered that Melody belongs to a kind married couple. They are contacted right away.

   The Nividians are able to read human memories. This is how they can erase the memories of family and friends for pet humans. This is done so the pets aren't too sad from missing thier families and friends. This is only done with pet humans captured from Earth.

   Melody's memories are checked for clues as to the whereabouts of the escaped humans. It is discovered that the humans have built a type of dwelling and have furnished it.

   "They've built a dwelling out of giant flower pieces! They've even furnished it! I'm glad that they have shelter to keep them safe and warm," Eckrel says, petting the sleeping Melody softly.

   It is also discovered that the escaped humans are able to kill animals and cook them for food. So, this means that the humans have adequate food and shelter. Kyle and another human named David are staying with Melody, along with Peter, who has recently gone missing.

   "Thank you for telling us your friends are safe, Sweetie," Eckrel tells the sleeping pet human very softly, petting her.

   The aliens see that the humans also have a garden. "Good girl, Melody, planting food," Eckrel tells the sleeping pet human. 

   Melodies memories are not clear enough to determine the location of the human's dwelling. Her memories of her escaped pet human friends and thier dwelling are erased after they've finished studying them so they don't cause emotional stress and trauma for her when she awakens. Her memories of running away are also erased.

   "They've been eating cooked animal meat and plants that they grew, along with berries. She's very healthy. They're doing a nice job of taking care of themselves," the Vet says. 

   Melody's owners are coming soon to pick her up. The sleeping pet human is carefully laid in a bed inside a pen with toys. The Vet gently covers her with a warm blanket.

   The other pet's owners are also contacted by Eckrel. They are told that thier escaped pets have built a shelter and are safe. Thier pets have enough food to eat and seem to be doing quite well. 

   "If Kyle's happy this way then leave him alone. He wasn't happy with me and I want him to have a good life and be happy. I'm so glad he's safe," Egimom says.

   "But it's not safe for them out in the wild," Eckrel says. 

   "I just want him to be happy. Isn't there a way to protect the wild humans?" Egimom asks.

   "Not that I know of, unless we enclose them in a specific area with a forcefield. That way we could keep predators out and prevent the humans from being able to harm anyone," Eckrel explains. 

   "That sounds like a good idea," Egimom says.

   "Yes, but we're not sure of thier location. We would have to provide food for them and make sure they had a source of water if we did that. They may not like that since they want to be independent. I don't think this is a good solution anyway. It's not the best for the enviroment," Eckrel says.       

   "Okay. Just please keep Kyle and any poor humans with him safe and happy," Egimom says. 

   "I promise we will do the best we can to find a good solution for them. They'll all be okay," Eckrel says. 

   "Okay, thank you so much!" Egimom says. 

   "Of course! I'm always happy to help humans!" Eckrel says. The aliens say goodbye. 

   Melody's owners arrive to pick her up. Thier pet has awoken and is happy to see them. Melody's owners gently put her collar and leash on her and take her home after thanking Eckrel and the Vet profusely.   

   David goes to search for Melody after she doesn't return from picking berries. He can't find her anywhere. He finally returns home in defeat at the end of the day.

   Peter voices his concern that perhaps Melody had been captured once David returns.

   Kyle has caught some fish and prepared them for supper. Supper's ready when David arrives at home. The humans eat a supper of fish and green beans in a glum mood. They decide that in the morning they will all go searching for Melody. Then they head to bed after supper.

   The men eat some berries for breakfast in the morning before beginning thier search.

   The men never do find out exactly what happened to Melody, but they suspect she has been captured. They never find Melody. 

   David furnishes thier home with a chest he had made to store thier clothing and belongings in. The table and chair set is now fully completed. 

   The garden grows well. Everyone misses Melody, but otherwise things are going well for them. 

   Kyle wonders if there is any such thing as glass or wax here to can the vegtables from the garden with. It would be sold in the alien's stores if there is anything. But it's too risky to go snooping around the Nividian stores.

   "It's okay, Kyle. It never gets cold here so we should be able to grow food all year round," David reassures him.

   "Alright, then. That's lucky! Thanks David!" Kyle says.

   Peter smokes some fish they catch so that they don't have to hunt every day anymore.

   Kyle and David together figured out how to tan the animal hides so that they can use the furs. For now the smoked fish are wrapped in animal hides to store them. 

   Kyle would eventually like to free more humans, but it isn't easy. He also knows he needs to learn better Nivish so that the aliens will see them as intelligent and be more willing to listen to thier opinions. Conflict with the Nividians will end up being inevitable at some point. 

   The men make spears and more bows and arrows so that they can defend themselves properly should the need arise. They also train with the weapons using eight foot tall targets. They are getting pretty good at using them now.

   Author's Note: Thank you for reading Human Settlement on Nividar! Please consider voting or commenting if you enjoyed the story. Happy Easter! 

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