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hello it's me that bitch who can't consistently update lmao

but hey how are you all??

i've been doing pretty good recently!!! school has been going good. we're in the last quarter of the year which is so great. i'm ready for summer but unfortunately i have to get through my finals before then but i don't want to think about those right now

also the school dance i wrote about last chapter was last night. it was honestly so much fun. i had 3 of my friends come over to my house and we all got ready after school. my only regret is that i wore vans (my feet ache) and we stood too close to the speaker so our ears were ringing after we left the school. my voice was practically gone from yelling along to songs so much but i can't complain.

and today was pretty good too! it was 70° today and it felt like summer and i just want summer so badly. i miss the feeling of the sun warming up your skin and drinking cold drinks.

the schools in my area don't have spring break since we get so much snow up here which kinda sucks, but i have this coming friday and monday off for easter which i'm excited about

and for anyone who's wondering my latest obsession recently has been the umbrella academy. please message me so we can gush about it. i also need some new music recommendations so if you have any please tell me. i'll listen to pretty much anything but country (sorry country music lovers lmao)

so yeah i think that's it?? thanks for reading my ramble lol love you all <3

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