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hey gang what's up it's been a hot minute

school has been keeping me pretty busy so i haven't been super active on here but i'll try my best to update more

not much has changed since i last updated tbh. my school has a ski trip every year bc we live close by a mountain, and i didn't die lmao. all of my friends have years of experience but this is only the second time i went and i wasn't nearly as bad as i was last year.

my dad and i just watched bohemian rhapsody (finally) and it was so good??? i didn't grow up listening to queen like most people did so watching this movie gave me a new appreciation for the band.

i have a school dance coming up soon and i'm really excited for it. i used to hate school dances but now that i'm older they're a ton of fun. i don't go with a date or anything so watching everyone else slowdance is a little awkward but otherwise catch me having the time of my life lmao.

so how are you all? stay hydrated, make sure you eat, and don't be afraid to take a break. make sure you take care of yourself!

so uh i guess that's it??? i've been on this app for 5 years and i still don't know how to close a fucking chapter lmao. bye gang!

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