Chapter 2

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A cachophony of uproars rose within the Endymion courtroom. The smell of stench on each man's breath hung in the air as they shouted among one another, each trying to get their own point across. Rana stood up and called the court to order while a middle aged man came to the center of the floor.

"I beg you to consider, gentlemen, what you are all imposing." Sir Sardon began. "For the past four years, we have monitored Rima and there has been no activity nor the appearance of Alevra. Thus, there is no need to attack. Do you want to fling our country into poverty by starting an unnecessary war? Have you not forgotten how many men have ventured into that place and died or have become a creature of darkness?" He said his voice growing louder as he confidently spoke. "I urge you, gentlemen, to think before we make a crucial mistake."

"Coward! I say we send our army to Rima, storm the land and destroy everything in it once and for all!" one man shouted. 

"Calm yourself, sir." Sir Sardon said raising his hands and trying to regain control of the courtroom. "King Rana is right. We must think of another solution."

"You would have us sit back and do nothing!" Another man shouted. "We should've burned that witch when we burned the spinning wheels ever since she placed that curse upon princess Katherine! I say we rid ourselves of Alevra once and for all!"

This peaked the arguement to continue. For years they had been trying to come up with a solution to break the curse and stop Alevra but it seemed there were no valuable options. The sound arose to a violent climax like a raging storm about to unleash a powerful thunderbolt of chaos. Rana arose to his feet and with his mighty gold staff brought then men to order.

"I understand all of your pain. I want to be rid of that witch as much as anyone here, but I know mere force will not solve our problem."

"Then why don't we fight magic with magic!" Another man shouted. "We can defeat Alevra at her own game by mastering the magic arts."

Rana shot back.

"We would be walking right into a trap." He said sternly. "Though magic is a likely solution, it would only bring great pain upon our people. All magic comes with a price."

"Then what do you propose we do, sire?" Sir Sadon asked.

"We must continue to protect our ideals and find a peaceful solution." He replied. "Malchior and I both agree on this."

"I know your majesties intentions are noble," Sir Sadon began. "But you must realize the current state your country is entering. Since King Malchior and you both ordered all spinning wheels to be destroyed and forbidden in this land, we have lost one of our most profitable trading income. In order to meet those demands, we have had to outsource to Amira and increase the taxes. We are beginning to owe a great debt to our neighboring country. If this goes further, then you or Malchior will no longer rule Acedia. King Hadrian will own this land as well as others he seems to have control over."

The counsel members began to mumble in concern as Rana cletched his fists.

"King Hadrian will not rule over Acedia." The man replied in a stern tone of voice. "This kingdom will return to its former glory once again." He moved over to the window to catch a glimpse at little Elizabeth running around in the open field. Her red curls bounced about as she chased the beautiful orange butterfly. She turned about the picked the flower on which the butterfly sat and the little insect kissed her small nose. Elizabeth burst into laughter. "I hope you men know how much I love this country and that I will do everything in my power to protect her and her ideals. We have become a beacon of hope to the rest of the world. Some would even say they are envious of us. I believe in the power of this country and their rulers. For now, we must continue to govern this land to the best of our abilities and keep a close watch on Malchior's daughter."

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