Klaus nodded his head in confirmation before continuing, "I'd invite you to join me in traveling the world, but we both know you're not ready for that offer just yet," He paused and Mallory's eyes trailed over to Tyler, who watched them from afar, not looking happy about what Klaus was offering Mallory, "Perhaps one day, in a year, or even in a century you'll turn up at my doorstep and let me show you what the world has to offer. Whenever it is, I'll be here."

Klaus stared into her eyes and Mallory immediately looked away, a feeling in her gut as he spoke to her that she wanted nothing more than to disappear at that moment.

Klaus noticed the look on Mallory's face as she tried her hardest to ignore him. He stopped dancing with Mallory, taking a step toward her, his mouth just a few centimeters away from her ear as he spoke to her, "Everyone else may not see it. But I do, Mallory. You grew up as royalty, a small town life and a commoner like your boyfriend will never be enough for someone like you." He whispered into her ear, causing Mallory to close her eyes and sigh, "Remember that."

Mallory opened her eyes to see Klaus walking away from her, causing a shocked look to grow on her face.

Mallory glanced over at Tyler, who gave her a concerned look. She looked away from her boyfriend and began to chase after Klaus, wanting to say something to him, "Klaus, wait!" She called out, trying to catch up to him.

Mallory rushed outside to see Klaus about to leave, "Klaus!" She called out, finally vamp-speeding over to Klaus and grabbing him by the wrist, "Can you just wait one second so that I can talk to you? I need to say something."

Klaus was about to respond, only to have his eyes widen in shock when he looked down to see the salt barrier surrounding the school.

Mallory turned her head, only to frown at what Klaus had spotted, "What the hell?" She muttered under her breath.

"What is this?" Klaus asked, causing Mallory to turn her head to see that Stefan was now standing with them.

"Your mother's back," Stefan informed Klaus, causing Mallory's eyes to widen in shock.


While the rest of the Mystic Falls gang and Klaus were with Bonnie while she performed the locator spell in Alaric's old classroom, Mallory stood with Caroline the now empty gym while Tyler sat on the bleachers, "So, best case scenario. Bonnie gets us out of here, Klaus hauls his ass a thousand miles from here, the two of you are finally free."

"Or we let Esther come and kill him," Tyler replied, causing Mallory to frown as she walked up the bleacher stairs and closer to Tyler.

"We're not doing that, Tyler," Mallory argued in a stern tone, shaking his head.

"It would be an option if we knew he wasn't the one who turned everyone else's bloodline. They'd be safe," Tyler explained, letting out a large sigh, "Well, everyone except us. Just like you said, Mallory. You're okay with dying. You lied to your brothers and told them that you had a plan to allow yourself to survive and that's all they had to hear."

Mallory sighed, turning to Caroline, who gave her a concerned look once hearing the revelation about her lying, "Now that they've heard you say that, they're willing to sacrifice you just kill Klaus," Tyler continued, on, causing Mallory to turn to him once more, "Hey, the two of us might be dying, but at least he would be gone."

"I think I'm going to go..." Caroline awkwardly trailed off, clearly leaving the gym after being stuck as a third wheel to Mallory and Tyler's argument.

"How could you say that?" Mallory asked, giving Tyler a look of disbelief.

"Because I'm angry. Because I hate him!" Tyler informed Mallory, clearly upset, "I should have never let him dance with you in the first place! I could hear everything he was saying to you. He clearly thinks he has a chance with you. He's practically in love with you."

Merciful - TVD [2]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora