Chapter 2 The new Era

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Daniel immediately got confused as to why that worked.

'What? How? When?'

"That is easy to awnser Daniel. That square defines your existance because Earth has been connected to me. And it happend 5 minutes ago." The system awnsered in a monotone voice.

'Who are you?'

"I am the System and it would be an honour if you gave me a name Admin." she replied once again.

'Would it be fine if we did that later there's is something I need to do first.' He asked the system.

"That would be fine Admin Daniel" She replied soon after.

"Kenny can we go inside please?" Daniel asked Kenny.

"Huh oh yeah that should be fine." Kenny replied. He had been giggling like a madman for the last few minutes.

They went inside his small house. The inside was way cleaner than expected of a man of his reputation.
"So are you staying here for the night?" Kenny asked clearly concerned for his younger friend.

"Yeah me and my mom had a fight again." Daniel said clearly not giving a damn.

"What was it this time" Kenny asked with a serious face.

"She said I shouldn't be hanging out with you." he said with a clearly annoyed voice.

"Daniel you shouldn't get into fights with your Mom because of me." Kenny tells him while looking him in the eyes.

"Can we move on to the next topic." Daniel said as he looks away clearly trying to change the subject.

"Fine, by the way did you see your status?" Kenny asked with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Yeah its confusing me a bit." Daniel sulkingly said as he plopped down on the leather sofa.

"Hmm why is that?" He asked while genuinely curious.

"It says my Level is 9999999" he replied with a little concern.

Kenny starts laughing maniacally. "MWHAHAHAHAHAHA I knew it Daniel this is why the voices in my head told me to be friends with you!"

Daniel looks worriedly at Kenny. "Kenny did you take your meds today."

Kenny looks into the distance and smiles wryly "No the voices in my head said today it wasn't necessary because your friends out there wouldn't be as entertained." Kenny winks at you.

"Kenny I'm the only person you have ever called a friend." He says while looking at Kenny strangely.

Kenny tilted his head and looked at Daniel. "Daniel I have HAD many friends but they all live in my Brain now. Its very rude to assume that of people." He says while trying to look as offended as possible.

"Back on subject it also says I have a Title and three Unique skills." Daniel says as he tries to send the conversasion in the right direction. Away from Kenny's Madness.

"Do you want an explanation of your skills admin Daniel." The system inquires.

'Yes please' Daniel sends his mental reply.


Unique Skills:

Soul System Lv. 1: You can take the souls of people who have a lower level than you. You can combine 2 souls at a time.

Absolute Luck Lv. 10: You will live for ∞years and have higher growth rate than others. All your subordinates also have faster growth.

Admin Lv. 1: You can see another persons stats.


Trainable skills:

Unlife Lv.1: Your skin turned white.

Small Blades Proficiency: Lv.2: You know what this weapon is and you have used it before. +50% chance to intimidate someone when holding this weapon.

Fire Manipulation Lv.1: You have spent a reasonable amount of time close to a small flame. You can create a flame the size of your pinky and use it in a 10 meter radius. ( We recommend you stop smoking Admin)

Soul manipulation Lv.1: Unlocked because of your Unique skill (Soul System). You can see spirits of the dead and influence them slightly.

Sprint Lv.5: You have learned how to run away from the police at a reasonable speed. +150% movement speed while in combat.

Mental Resistance Lv.3: You are good at controling your emotions. Seal of emotions for up to 5 hours.


"O good for you." Kenny says while looking expresionlessly into space. "All I got is called Mental Absorption." Kenny goes on to explain his skill.


Mental Absorption: With all those voices in your head a few more wouldn't hurt right? You can absorb the soul and memorys of people. They then become a voice in your head.


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