PROLOGUE Imagination

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In a black room that exists nowhere and nowhen sat an existence that was focusing on nothing and everything.

Suddenly it jumps into the air and shouted, "I just had a brilliant idea." You unlucky bunch. It points at a small glowing dot that appeared in the middle of the room. "You poor unlucky buggers" he says with a little sympathy. It smiles as it looks with eyes of pity at the little orb. "Earth what an ironic name." It sat down in the middle of the air and stared intently. "I think you will make a good first chosen so win the lottery my little friend, I will be waiting for you".

Every living thing on earth heard the voice for the first time. "Welcome to Earth System V.1" At first people wondered if they heard wrong, but soon found out everyone around them heard it too. Then they found out that everyone they knew heard it. Soon everyone on the planet knew that everyone else heard about the monotone female voice that spoke. It spoke to everyone in every country in every language at the same moment.

The nerdy ones where the first to discover it. 'Status' the word that told you every single detail about yourself. They where also the first to get depressed about there stats.

Things like strength, agility, constitution, perception, wisdom, intelligence and luck could now have definate numbers.

People found there were Unique skills and trainable ones.

But there was one man who found that he had a special skill. For he was our protagonist and the Chosen.

That day the world changed.

Author Note: This is the first proper story I have ever writen so it will probable have lots of plot holes and pacing problems but I hope you enjoy.

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