Just a Boy

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After a short while of telling one another stories from their early years, one of the servants came for the two children, informing them that their dinners were prepared. If Shoto was being honest with himself, he wished the day wouldn't end. Maybe this won't be so bad. She kind of reminds me of mother...

"Are you two getting along?" Shoto looked up to see his mother's eyes across from him as he picked at his food. He nodded. "That's good. Did you guys talk about anything interesting out there?"

"Not really," he said. If he said yes, she'd proceed to ask about her. He just wanted to eat and get to bed. "How come her and Sir Aizawa don't eat in here with us?"

"Because they're not royalty," Enji answered, cutting Rei off as his wife opened her mouth to answer. She shut it with a sigh, turning her eyes to her own food. Shoto hated it when his father did that.

"But they're still our guests. All guests we've had eat meals with-"

"Because they were royalty," the king repeated. Shoto frowned, but he, too, looked down at his plate, lowering his gaze in a semblance of submission. He continued to pick at his half-eaten soba.

"Honey eat, don't play."

He placed his chopsticks on his plate, his hands in his lap. "Can I be excused?"

Rei glanced up at her husband, who let off a low growl just loud enough for her to hear. She sighed, and gave a nod. Shoto hopped down from his chair and walked out of the large dining hall. He felt a little bad for leaving his mother alone with such a monster, but he didn't want to be anywhere near him either. And the farther he was away from his father, the better.

The prince walked down the hall, gazing out each window he passed. The sky was a beautiful orangey-gold, casting red light and dancing shadows throughout the castle due to the red curtains. It gave the place an eerie feel at this time of day, but Shoto still enjoyed it. This long walk to his bedroom was his alone time. His parents were still eating, his guards still away, his servants preparing his room before he arrived. He could enjoy himself without the lingering and watchful eyes of everyone around him.

"Prince Todoroki?"


He turned, but grew surprised as he came face-to-face with someone his own height, not adorned in glistening armor or dressed as a typical maid. A little girl with long black hair pulled back into a bun, onyx eyes dark yet light all at once, and an adorably curious grin on her face stood before him.

"Yaoyorozu?" He questioned, looking around for her guard. "Where is Sir Aizawa?"

She waved her hand, dismissing the question. "He's still eating. I told him I was just going to wash up before bed." She looked out the window they were standing by. Shoto stared at the girl, mesmerized. The orange hue of the setting sun almost seemed to make her face glow, her eyes sparkling. He caught himself staring and quickly looked away. "So where are your guards?"

"Eating. Preparing for the night. This is the only time I ever really get to myself."

"Oh. I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. I just saw you and thought I'd say something. I'll leave you be." She moved to walk away, but he called out after her.

"You can stay, you know. It's okay. I'd enjoy the company."

Momo looked over her shoulder, then turned back around to face the boy. "You're sure? I wouldn't want to mess up your routine or anything."

"It's fine."

The girl rocked slightly on the heels of her feet, clasping her hands behind her back. "So...what exactly do you do for fun around here?"

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