Love at first sight

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We met at a cafe. "What can I serve you" he asked while looking at me with his bright blue eyes. I couldn't stop staring at him. He had beautiful blond hair, blue eyesthat were shining in the sun li- "Hello?" I snapped out of it. "My apologies, I'll take the aubergine pie thanks" He then proceeded to walk away. I was mesmerised.

The next day, I came back to the cafe. I couldn't stop thinking about him. He was gently smiling as he handed me my pie. What a litteral angel! I came back the day after that, then the day after that again. After a month of coming there regularly, he started to recognise me. "Hey it's you again!" He said as I entered. My heart stopped for a second there. "What can I get you?" he then said as I sat down. "Nothing." He looked at me confused. "Oh sorry I meant a strawberry cupcake haha" He wrote it down then said smiling to me "A strawberry cupcake it is to sir... sir?" "Call me Jack  I said" I couldn't believe he asked me what my name was! "Then I suppose you can call me Callum" He said to me. "Callum..." I repeated "Nice name" I told him. He smiled and left to get my food.

He came back with the cupcake a short time after. "May I ask you why you come here so often, Jack?" he asked as put  a delicious looking cupcake on my table. "I like the place and the waiters are nice" I responded. I look up as I catch him blushing. He's so hot! "I'm happy you're feeling that way." He proceeded to walk away when I grab his hand. "Callum!" He turned around. "Huh? Do you need anything else?" I looked at him for a second then said "ehh I was just wondering if... you could sit with me? To keep me company?" He looks at me confusedd for a second then says "Sure thing!" 

We talked for a long time. I found out he lived two streets away from me and only worked at the cafe part time. "We should do that more often" I finally say "I agree you're a really nice guy you know." he responded. And so we met each Thursday. For a month. Then several months. Then a year. Every Thursday.

One night, as we were walking home together, I say "Hey Callum?" He looks at me. "mhm?" "You're really pretty you know that?" I could see him blush. "Thanks I guess" We stopped. We were in front of his house. "Callum can you come here for a second?" He went up to me. we were standing in front of eahc other. "Come closer". He approached. "Closer" I repeat. He comes closer. "Close your eyes." He closes his eyes. Then I did something I never thought I would do.

I kissed him.

He immediatly opened his eyes. His face was entirely red. "What the-" I kissed him again. This time longer. "Jack... I.." He was hesetating. "I love you too Jack." I smiled. He was smiling too. We smiled together. The stars were shining bright that night. But Callum's eyes were shining brighter.

The End

Jacksucksatlife x Seapeekay : love at first sightWhere stories live. Discover now