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Sasuke's POV
We had all stopped to get a break. We were on the edge of the sound village. I noticed (name) by herself, sitting on the edge of the cliff. I get up and sit next to her. "I see you're not afraid of heights anymore." I start conversation.

"Nope. Still deathly terrified, especially right now." She looks down and grows stiff. A cherry blossom flys by and distracts her from the drop.

"Why are you by yourself?" I take a bite of my apple.

"Just thinking." I've heard rumors that they think way more than they talk. Overthinking is never good for you... I wonder how she is on the inside.

"What about?" I swallow my previous bite.

She pauses and gains a new passion in her eyes. "There's this guy. He has eyes like you, a long black coat, and he basically looks like an older version of you."

I freeze. Itachi. "What about that guy?"

"I'm going to kill him." I notice the fire in her eyes. She wasn't joking. But.. Itatchi is my fight. "No," I turn forward. "He's my fight."

"So you know him? Where is he?" She looks at me.

"I said, he's my fight. He's my brother." I look her back.

"Well," she sighs, "your brother is scum." I notice she tightened her fist.

"He murdered my entire village. I don't know why, but he didn't murder me. I'm going to kill him. Don't even think about it." I think back to that night. My hatred grows stronger.

A look of understanding takes over her eyes. I remember back to what she told us the night we saved her.

"He murdered everybody I've ever seen, loved, and cared for. Every human in my lands."

"(Name), want one?" I offer her a fresh apple out of my pocket. I look at her and I notice her face full of tears.

She grabs the apple, and wipes her tears. "Thanks," she mumbles. "And Sasuke, thanks for coming over here. If you didn't... who knows what I would've done." She looks down the cliff edge.

She wasn't actually thinking of doing such things, was she?

Sakura's POV
"Ino, look at her- she's completely stealing Sasuke!" I scoff.

"Who does she think she is!" She crosses her arms.

"To be fair, Sasuke walked to her. She didn't even start the conversation. She probably has no interest in him." Hinata tries to calm us.

"Sasuke, (Name), get over here!" Ino shouts. I elbow her. "What do you think you're doing?!" She winks.

They walk over. (Name)'s face seemed puffy, like she had been crying. "Could you guys go find some more food? We're all out." Ino asks.

(Name) shrugs. "Ok."

(Name)'s POV
He followed me into the forest. I think back to the days that I would pick berries with my brothers. "How are we supposed to find food?" Sasuke crosses his arms.

"I have an idea." I begin to sing. Animals come from all separate directions. I do the hand signal for food. They scatter.

"They got it covered." I sit down against a tree. Sasuke lays down. I've always wished I had eyes as dark as his.

"What's it like where you're from?" He asks out of the blue.

"Well," I think, "it's not much different than here. Where I come from, there's just way different food. The people are a lot more straight forward. You don't really need to be formal like you do here. Everything was just a lot... nicer." I notice him looking at me.

A deer comes out of the woods with a large grape vine. I pet his head in return, and feed him a few grapes. A bear walks out with a branch with several pears on it. "This should be enough." I hand a few pears to the bear, and signal all the animals to leave. "Want some before we head back?" I ask. He nods.

"Y'know, I've never actually seen you smile or even grin." I say in between bites. He shrugs. "Why?" I continue. He shrugs again. "I'm not taking a shrug as an answer."

"Let's fight." He says.

"Ok," I grin as I get an idea. "Take out your ear pieces to make it fair. And I promise I won't kill you."

We find a clearing and get on opposite sides. We begin. I start singing, restraining him in the air. "No fair!" He shouts.

"Smile, and I'll let you win." I smirk.

"Never! Let me down!" He grunts in frustration.

I let him down and begin stage one. Then I continue to the fourth stage. "Im in full Control of you now, isn't that just awful?" I grin.

"Smile." I command. Sasuke smiles. I begin to laugh.

"Okay, I'm done." I pull him out of the trance. "That was too easy!" I tease.

"Oh, shut it..." he complains.

"You look pretty good with a smile. You should do it more often." I pick up the pear and grape branches and begin walking back. I look at Sasuke and his cheeks are red. I guess it did sound like I was flirting with him. But, it was the truth. He truly did look good smiling. (But if I'm being honest, he always looks good!)

Normie (Naruto ff, fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now