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(Name) POV
My entire family.


I couldn't get the word out of my brain.


But why?

We've been moving through the treetops at speeds I never knew was possible for over a day.

"We'll be there any minute now." The person carrying me says.

The trees change. Actually, there aren't even any trees. I fall back asleep.

I wake back up. I go to rub my head, because I felt an enormous pain on my foreh-
WAIT I CAN MOVE NOW! But... I can't hear a thing.

I look around.

There's blood,

There's people in every spot fighting. Almost all of them are running towards me, but a group of younger-looking people are fighting them off.

"Shadow possession jutsu!" A bo- girl- wait, what is that?-

"Holy shit-" I mumble. Everybody stopped moving.

"(Name)'s awake!" A long haired blonde girl shouts. They all look at me. I widen my eyes. One of them even had... whiskers?! There's no way this is real.

"If this is a joke," my voice trembles, "please, stop this. Take me home-" a cough ends my sentence.

"Oh, dear... she really is a normie..." a pink haired girl begins to look sad.

"Lady Sunade said it was our duty to get her back to the village safely! Now let's finish our mission." A boy with round shaded glasses says as bugs begin to crawl out of...... OHMYGOSHHEHASBUGSONHIMANDHEHASNOCLUE!

"Oh my gosh watch out!" I run towards him, "you have bugs on you!"

"DON'T TOUCH THEM!" A boy with a dog stands between us. "Just let us finish this mission, stay here for now. I'll put a sleeping jutsu on you so that way it'll go by in no time for you!" He begins doing hand signs.

"Wait, what the hell is a jutsu?! Why on earth are you doing those haandd siiiignss- *thud*"

Bedtime, I suppose.

Normie (Naruto ff, fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now