☆★☆ 707 / Luciel : "About Zen..." ☆★☆

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@SaeranBun asks: "When did you first fall in love with Zen?"

Well, if you can't tell by the question, I'm in a relationship with Zen. We're engaged.

But when I first fell in love? Hmm.... it's a funny story really! 

So I was trying to get some money out of MC by taking photos of her, when she called out Zen who then told me to "go pick on someone whose single" or something like that. I asked "like you?" And MC then proceeded to ship us. I think that's when Zen fell for me.

The question asks for me though. Truthfully, I loved Zen for some time before that. I had an account on this website which got deleted, and that's where I fell for him. He was so kind and caring, especially towards MC when she was locked up in Jumin's penthouse. He still is, which is why I still love him. Zen's passion was the first thing that made me even consider him, honestly. His passion for his job.

☆★☆★☆ Ask 707 / Journal of Saeyoung ☆★☆★☆Where stories live. Discover now