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Jungwoo's P.O.V

I woke up in a hospital bed, the cream colored walls surrounded me and the thin blankets were rested upon my body. I shot up and grabbed the basket on the side and instantly coughed into it. "You're awake" I heard Doyoung's voice and he rubbed my back as I coughed up white pedals stained with my own blood. I started to cry from the pain.
"I-It hurts" I hiccuped and he held me.
"I know Jungwoo, I know" he rubbed my back and sat on the side of my bed. He grave me a water bottle and I drank from it, hoping to soothe my sore throat. I set it down.
"Thank you hyung" I said and he nodded.
"No problem" he said.
"What happened?" I asked and looked at him, he sighed.
"You passed out at work... Lucas was there with a girl" he said. I remembered seeing them together and instantly felt my heart ache. "Jungwoo" Doyoung said and I looked at him once more.
"Yeah?" I asked and wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my hospital gown.
"Why don't you get the surgery? Aren't you tired of this? It'll be all gone if y-" he started to say but I instantly cut him off.
"I'm not getting surgery to forget him and lose my feelings for him. I won't. I rather suffer here and watch him grow to be happy than forgetting him. I want to remember his beautiful smile and kind eyes. His goofy jokes and actions." I trailed on and Doyoung nodded.
"You're hurting yourself Jungwoo" he whispered.
"Yeah, I know. Sorry for making you worry hyung" I said and sighed.
"It's alright" he said and smiled.
Doyoung soon left and I was left alone in the room, I was getting the I.V taken out and I stood and put on my clothes. They gave me some painkillers and I walked out.
"Hyung!" Someone shouted and I looked to my right to see Lucas running towards me, puffs of his breathe showing in the cold night air. He enclosed me in his strong arms and it shocked me. I instantly felt safe and okay. "Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded and I saw the same girl jog up.
"We're glad you're okay Jungwoo hyung" she said and rubbed my shoulder and Lucas let go.
"T-thank you" I said with a fake smile. We talked for a bit before I called an uber and went home. Once I made it inside I broke down completely, crying my eyes out and puking up the beautiful pedals into the trash, everything hurts. But it's worth it to see him happy, so worth to see his smile and bright eyes. "It hurts..." I whispered to myself as I sniffled. I used my sleeve to wipe my tired eyes and I dragged myself to my bed and laid down on my back. I turned to my side, buried myself in my covers, and then hugged my pillow close to my chest. I closed my eyes.

" Hey hyung! Let's hang out." Lucas said smiling down at me as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. My cheeks turned red.
"O-okay" I said and smiled. We went to the movies and ate some ice cream, we played some of his favorite games. It was a lot of fun and I felt myself fall for his cute smile and wide eyes. He ended up falling asleep on my couch after eating dinner we made together. I brushed his hair away from his face. All I knew was I loved him, he's so handsome and kind and lovable. I stood up and walked to the closet and grabbed a blanket and covered him and went to my room and fell asleep.
I woke up the next morning and ran to my bathroom as I coughed into the toilet. I looked down and was terrified of what I saw, white pedals covered in drops of blood, staining the water. I felt a hot tear slip down my cheek.
That's when I knew he didn't love me back in the same way I love him.

I woke up tired. I shut off my alarm and texted Doyoung saying I wasn't feeling well and wasn't able to go to school. He took me he hopes I feel better. I curled back up into my sheets and closed my eyes opting to fall back asleep so I wouldn't feel the piercing pain in my chest. I fell back asleep.

It had been a week since I've gone to school. I was tired and the flowers kept coming up, more so then ever. I haven't had the energy to get up and eat but I've showered when needed. I was laying in bed when I heard a knock on my door. I hoped they leave but the knocking continued. I groaned and got out of my covers and put on a sweatshirt feeling cold. I walked to my door and opened it and was surprised to see all my friends. "Jungwoo oh my god" Taeyong said and pushed me inside and the others followed. I made eye contact with Lucas and felt tears rise to my eyes but kept it back.
"Why are you all here?" I asked softly, not used to using my voice.
"We came to check on you" Jaehyun said worriedly. I felt bad seeing them all worry about me.
"Hyung... you've lost a lot of weight" Lucas said concerned.
"I haven't been feeling well enough to eat" I said, it wasn't a complete lie. Taeyong sighed and went to the kitchen to make some soup. Doyoung sat me down on the couch.
"Jungwoo, you're getting even more sick, are you sure you don't want to surg-" Doyoung started to whisper to me.
"I don't want the surgery Doyoung hyung" I whispered back firmly. He nodded. The others piled into the room and sat on the floor or a chair or the couch. Taeyong came into the room and gave me a bowl of soup and I ate it happily. "Thank you hyung" I said after taking a bite.
"You need to take better care of yourself" he said and rubbed my shoulder.
"I will, sorry for worrying you guys" I said and they smiled.
"No reason to apologize hyung" Lucas said. I smiled at him then continued to eat.
After awhile they all left saying goodbye and saying 'get well soon.'

It's been a month since I started to get really sick and tired. The constantly pedals falling out of my mouth. Doctors suggested the surgery but I refused, I always did. My friends would come and visit me a lot, I love them very much and I'm glad to have known them. I sighed as I watched TV in the hospital bed. There was a small knock on the door and someone stepped in. It was Lucas, he's been visiting me lately. I was shocked to see he had flowers. "H-hey hyung" he said and set the flowers on the table.
"Hi, t-those flowers are so pretty" I said looking at them fondly. I gulped as I felt sick once again but refused to show my faults.
"I'm glad you like them" he said and sat next to me. "How are you feeling?" He asked and looked me in the eye.
"No bad" I said softly, although it was a lie. I felt dizzy suddenly and I grabbed the bin and quickly coughed up the white pedals as I cried from the pain Lucas patted my back.
"H-hyung are you okay?!" He shouted and I brought my head up and he handed my water and I gulped it down. His eyes widening seeing the pedals.
"I-I'm sorry" I whispered and put the bin down on the floor.
"Did you just-" he started.
"Y-yeah, coughed up flowers" I whispered shamefully. I felt my vision blur and my heart rate falter. I started to cry and he quickly wiped my eyes. I took his hand and held it and put my other on his cheek. I knew I was going to die here, I did. It was my fate. He looked at me shocked and the heart rate monitor started to go off and he freaked out and stood shouting for a nurse but I grabbed him and pulled him down with the little strength I had. I caressed his face and smiled brightly him. I brought him down and I kissed his forehead. "Lucas, I love you. I wish you happiness with my whole heart..." I whispered weakly. Nurses started racing in.
"Hyung no! Don't close your eyes! You'll be okay" he frantically yelled and nurses raced towards me. I kissed his nose.
"You're so kind Lucas" I whispered once again and felt my consciousness slip. Everything went black. I was dying, the nurses and doctors trying to keep me alive but nothing worked.
"Hyung! I-I love you too!" Lucas yelled.
"N-not li-like I love you" I laughed lightly and I started to close my eyes with a smile. Happy I was able to see Lucas happy and grow to be such a handsome and kind man. I wished him the best because I love h-

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