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Jungwoo's P.O.V

I woke up to my alarm and sat up from my comfortable sheets and turned it off. I stretched my arms yawning and felt a bit dizzy. I got up and made my bed and grabbed the clothes I set out for today and got ready for my first college class of the second semester. I went to the bathroom, showered, brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and dressed. I got a text from Doyoung that said he was outside my apartment building to pick me up and I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my bag and walked out locking my door behind me. I took the stairs and walked outside and a gust of wind immediately hit my face and I jogged to my hyung's car and got in the front.
"Morning" he said.
"Morning" I responded. He put the car in drive and we drove to our college.

We walked through the doors and I sighed. "Doyoung..." I said and he gave a hum in response. "I-I had a dream about him again last night" I said and Doyoung sighed and took my hand gently.
"Jungwoo, you know this isn't healthy" he said and gave me a look of pity.
"I know, I just can't stop you know?" I said and sighed and went to our first class of the day, Lucas just happens to be in that class. We walked in and greeted the professor and sat in the middle row. I heard a loud laugh and turned around to see Lucas in one of the upper rows as he laughed to whatever Mark said. I felt my lungs burn along with my heart and we made eye contact and my face flushed. He gave a small smile and I quickly turned around embarrassed. Doyoung groaned.
"When are you going to leave this alone? You're hurting yourself" he whispered. I nodded. The bell rang and the students crowded in and the lesson started so I grabbed my notebook and took the notes on the board and Doyoung did the same. In the middle of the lesson I coughed into my arm and I saw a small patch of red and quickly got up and sped walked to the door.
"Kim Jungwoo, where are you going?" The professor said and I turned to him.
"I-I don't feel well. E-excuse me" I said with a deep bow and rushed out to the bathroom. I opened the door and rushed to one of the stalls and coughed roughly into my hands and watched as white pedals fell out stained with red and I teared up. Why me? I began to cry and let the pedals fall into the toilet and an other coughing fit came up and a bunch of flowers came up and fell into the toilet and I hiccuped and flushed the toilet and walked out and washed the blood off my hands and wet down a towel looking into the mirror and cleaned the blood off my mouth and saw the tears falling. I threw the towel away and splashed my face. I walked out and took a big drink from the water fountain and went back to class and sat down with an embarrassed blush after everyone looked at me. Doyoung rubbed my arm and asked if I was okay. I nodded and continued taking notes.
"Okay, your assignment is online and due in two days. But don't procrastinate!" Professor said and the class agreed to his terms. Doyoung picked a pedal off of my leg and I gave a small awkward laugh and he shook his head as he threw it on the floor. The bell rang and we were dismissed.

Lunch rolled around and we sat in the cafeteria as Yuta complained about his homework due tomorrow and I took a bite of my ramen. Lucas plopped down and sighed trying to get everyone's attention. "Not now Lucas, it's my turn to complain" Yuta said and Lucas rolled his eyes and then looked at me.
"Hyung can I please have a bite?" He asked with puppy dog eyes. I couldn't deny him. I picked some noddles up and held the chopsticks to him, instead of taking them from me he ate the noddles as I held the chopsticks. He smiled brightly. "Thank you hyung" he said cheerfully and I nodded and he wiped his mouth with a napkin and I took my chopsticks back and continued to eat with a blush on my face. I began to feel sick but I finished my noddles and wiped my mouth with a clean napkin. Taeyong sat down and Jaehyun soon joined, along with Sicheng who was forced to sit by Yuta, Yuta didn't mind of course. I laughed as the two bickered. I clutched my fist and tried to stop my coughing fit and bounced my leg. Doyoung gently rested his hand on my thigh and looked at me worriedly.
"Jungwoo, you look sick, are you okay?" Taeyong asked and reached over and touched my forehead. I nodded.
"I-I'm alright hyung" I gave a fake smile. He nodded and pulled away, I felt myself get dizzy and my lungs started burning. I clutched my hands into fist trying to suppress it. I got up to throw my trash away. Suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder and I looked behind me to see Lucas, I smiled softly and he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Can I talk to you?" He asked and I nodded. He walked away and I followed and he brought us into an empty hallway. "I need advice" he said nervously and I nodded.
"What kind of advice?" I asked.
"H-how do I ask out a girl? I don't understand how I'm suppose to do these things" he frowned. I felt my heart break into two and I felt my eyes sting. I can't cry, not in front of him. I nodded and pretended to think but in reality I felt like puking, I became dizzy.
"Well if you... really like h-her I would just tell her. Maybe ask her to go on a date? Something simple, n-nothing fancy" I said and gave a fake smile, I couldn't look him in the eyes. He smiled.
"Okay, thank you hyung!" He said excitedly and walked away. I felt like I was going to pass out so I walked back to the table and sat down waiting for the bell to ring. Doyoung frowned and whispered to me.
"What's wrong?" He asked. I leaned towards him and whispered softly.
"I'm going to die, it's my fate Doyoung..." I said sadly and gave a small smile. He slammed his hands on the table and stood up.
"No!" He shouted. I looked at him surprised and the lunch room went quiet. I looked around and saw Lucas with some girl looking at us. I shrunk and then Doyoung looked around and sighed and sat back down. Our friends looked at us weirdly, Doyoung didn't talk for the rest of lunch.

I yawned as I took the bus to work. It's officially 6:00 and I'm going to the restaurant I work at. I held onto the bar on the bus and scrolled through my phone. After a few minutes I made it to my stop and stepped out. I walked down the street of crowded people and walked into the back door and to the lockers. I smiled and waved at my co-worker Kun. "Hey Jungwoo" he said with a smile and I smiled back.
"Hey" I quickly changed into my uniform and clocked in. I walked out with Kun as I tied my apron. I bowed to my boss and started my work. I was an hour into my work when I saw him walk into the restaurant with a girl by his side, the same one from earlier. I gulped as I watched one of the workers seat them. I went to the kitchen to calm my breathing.
"Can you take care of table 8 Jungwoo?" My co worker asked and I nodded. I sighed and walked out and grabbed my notepad. I hesitantly went to table 8, which happened to be Lucas's and the girl's table. I gulped.
"H-how are you today? What can I get you to drink?" I asked with a fake smile as I grabbed my pen.
"Oh hey hyung!" Lucas said with a large smile. "Oh uh, this is my hyung Jungwoo. Jungwoo this is Lin" he introduced us and we bowed to each other.
"Nice to meet you hyung" she gave a bright smile. She's really pretty, long black hair and dark eyes with a perfect complexion. No wonder he likes her.
"Nice to meet you too. Can I get you any drinks?" I asked once more. They nodded and took me their drinks and I wrote it down. "I'll be right back with them" I said and walked away trembling. I quickly got their drinks and set them on a tray and balanced it. I walked back out and saw them chatting with excitement. I walked up to their table and set their drinks down. "Ready to order?" I asked and tucked the tray under my arm and grabbed the notepad and pen. They nodded and started to order and I wrote them down. Luca handed the menus back to me and our fingers brushed causing my face to go red. My heart skipped a beat. I smiled and turned my heel and walked away. I felt dizzy and I felt like I was choking. I couldn't breathe, it hurts. My heart ached and my vision started to falter. Shit. I thought as I fell down, my tray dropping along with the menus. I heard worried voices and felt someone trying to help me up. Then I blacked out.

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