'Wouldn't you love to know?'

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As we continued to kiss I felt him turn me so that back was against a nearby locker and we were no longer at a side view. "Aye! Don't you have a class to be in Fallon?" I hear Josie say as I pull away. I go to step up to her but Reggie pulls me by the waist. I got scared and tried to catch myself by placing my hand on his chest. I looked up at him as he looked down at me, smiling softly.

"Um..Hello?" She began, "Reggie can I talk to you for a minute?" Josie asks Reggie as she smiles. He was about to walk over to her as I grabbed his arm and pulled him back gently, "No, he can't we actually have places to be." I say as she rolls her eyes. "You don't tell him what to do." Josie tell me stepping closer. "Nor do you so I suggest you step back before I snatch you up again." I informed her as she laughed. "Yeah sure, what is he your boyfriend or something?" She asks to be sarcastic. "As a matter of fact he is!" I say raising my voice at her.

Reggie looked at me as I looked at him seeing a smile on his face. I look back at Josie and sigh, "Anything else you wanna say?" I ask her standing lazily. "First off, he's not your boyfriend and secondly come on Reggie it's important." Josie says trying to antagonize me as I step closer ready to hit her. I was carried over Reggie's shoulder. "Ahhh! Reggie put me down or I swear to gods up above I will..do something! I don't know what I'm going to do but I'm going to something!" I told him as I started to attempt to get out of his grasp.

"Stop moving so much Shorty." He says as I already knew he was smirking. "Stop that smirking Mantle." I demanded softly as I remembered that Josie is still there. He still didn't put me down, "Mantle, If you don't get me off your shoulder you're no longer going to dick!" I started to gently hit his back. Reggie put me down as Josie looked at me,glancing.

I take a step closer to her. "Say something else." I tell Josie as she began to speak, "How's your deadbeat dad?" She says as I walk over to her,this time without Reggie pulling me back. "You have no right to speak about my father!" I tell her as she once again, laughs, "Aye McCoy, shut it." Reggie tells her as he pulls me behind him. As he Pulled me behind him the bell rang. "Move it Mantle, I don't need a knight in shining armor to save me." I say laughing a little as all the kids pour in the hallways.

He turned to me and smiled, "So shorty, wanna Ditch school?" Reggie asks as I began walking I stopped as I passed Josie. I was getting ready to hit her before Reggie came up and grabbed me by the waist, pulling me to the other side of him. "Jerk." I muttered out softly. He chuckled out softly, "Oh, and your good at math right?" He asks me as I nod. "Do you think you can tutor my friend, Chuck?" He looked at me as he spoke, "Sure, just give him my number and-" I stopped as he shot me a look, "Reggie, do you want me to tutor him or not?" I ask him crossing my arms. "Honestly, no." He tells me as I laugh softly. "Just give him my number." I say as Reggie shoots me another  look but I ignore it this time.

"So, where are we going?" I question as we walk out of the school. "Wanna go to my place?" He asks as he pulled me closer by the waist. "I..Umm.." I looked at him unsure for a second like it's Reggie...who knows what happens in his house. What if Josie was in there?! How many girls has he slept with? Should I be asking myself this? Maybe I should answer?

"Ummm..Sure?" I say completely unsure of what to say. "Are you okay?" He asks me softly as I just nodded. "Are you sure?" He asks once again, "Reggie I'm sure." I say as I stop walking and Reggie looks back at me. "I want a piggyback ride!" I say Childishly as he rolls his eyes playfully. He turns so that his back faces me, "Hop on." He says as I jump onto his back and Wrap my arms around his neck.

I started to play with his hair as he began to walk. After a little while I started to lay my head on his shoulder. I kissed his cheek as he smiled. Oh my god! He's so cute! "How far away is your house?" I ask as he looks around, "About a 10 minute walk." I just stayed silent as he continued to walk and hold me up. I started to get cold, considering I was wearing a tank top for a shirt. I shivered a little, "Are you cold?" Reggie asks me breaking the silence. "Umm..No." I say as I looked at him, "I felt you shiver,idiot." He lets go and I let go causing me to almost fall. This hot jerk caught me though! "Idiot." He says laughing as he puts me back on my feet.

It's him..حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن