Ballet - B.B.

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You got off the bus with your other classmates. Your class won a trip to the Avengers Facility in upstate New York. Everyone is so excited to meet them but you've been dealing with shitty ass foster parents who love to just abuse you mentally and physically. You are so drained that you can't even be excited to meet a bunch of superheroes.

You are worried that the beatings from yesterday will be noticed in ballet practice which is your only escape from your problems. You've only been really eating lunch at school since it's the only meal you constantly get. You always try and load up on those days. Except today, you have to bring your own lunch for the trip and there was nothing at home.

"Here's a badge," Happy Hogan said handing you one.

Happy keeps repeating himself to every teenager that walks through the doors. You put the lanyard on and another agent is giving out 'hello my name is' stickers. You know your class is gonna do some stupid shit with it. You wrote your name down and stuck the sticker on your right thigh of the black skinny jeans you're wearing.

"Please let's stick together," Happy said. "I'm Mr. Hogan. I'm the head of security-."

"You really need a head of security for the Avengers?" One of the jocks asked.

He already wanted to strangle that kid but he took a deep breath.

"Let's get moving so I can dump you kids onto someone else. Again stick together and don't touch anything," Happy said.

He led the group off and you all went through a secure door. He led you down a series of hallways until he stopped in front of many glass windows looking into the lab. Tony Stark is working on another suit with Dr. Banner. One of your classmates taps the window.

"Don't tap the window!" Happy yelled.

Tony motions everyone to come in. You sighed and everyone went into the lab.

"Mr. Stark, these are the teenagers who won the trip to come out here and tour the place," Happy said putting on a fake smile.

You crossed your arms as Tony started speaking. You drowned him out as you looked around the room. He's impressing everyone but you are just too tired and drained to care that a billionaire superhero is in the same room as you.

You managed to sneak away from the group and go on your own little tour of the whole facility. Your eyes catch the Black Widow in a dance studio doing some ballet while Hawkeye and the Winter Soldier are pigging out on Doritos and popcorn watching her in the corner. The two are hiding away so they won't have to be apart of the tour. You find the assassin so graceful and so beautiful. Maybe the trip won't be a bust.

"There's a straggler," Bucky said looking at Natasha.

"Let her in," Natasha said.

Bucky elbowed Clint and Clint got up. He goes to the door and opens it.

"You hate the tour?" Clint asked and you looked at him.

"Yeah it's fucking boring," you said. "Sorry about.. the swearing."

"It's fine, come on in," Clint said.

You followed him to see that Bucky has a laptop on the floor watching Mulan on Netflix.

"Don't judge me, kid," Bucky said. "I haven't seen it yet."

"Ignore him," Natasha said. "He's a senile old man."

You smirked.

"Do you do ballet, Y/n?" She asked reading your name tag.

"Yeah, since I was two," you said.

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