Titanness - B.B.

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(It's honestly crap)

Just as everything is going to shit and Steve's got Thanos' hand in his as he's trying to stop him, a figure comes down in one of those superhero landings I've seen in films.

"N-no," Thanos said shocked.

"THANOS!!!" The figured yelled doing a battle cry,

She wields a sword with her h/c hair up in this braided crown looking fierce as ever. She directs her attention to Thanos and he's shock. He's afraid of her. But he quickly snapped out of it and pushed Steve back. The girl and Thanos both go at each other in the air. Metal and metal clash together causing the two to go back but Thanos goes back further than the girl and she lands on her feet. She's quick to go over to the purple grape.

"Thanos, you shall die," she said and stabbed her sword into his thick skull.

All the monsters turned to dust and vanished into the wind. She backs away from the body with relief.

"Titan Y/n," Thor said bowing down to her and others follow his lead.

Steve and I do the same.

"You people don't have to bow down to me. I'm not some ruler," She said.

Everyone gets up.

"But you're a Titan. You're higher up than me," Thor said to her.

"So? I'm not gonna let half the universe die cause of a giant purple grape, God of Thunder or shall I say King Of Asgard," she said and Steve and I walked over.

"Asgard is no more," Thor said.

"No, it's in your heart, Thor," she said poking his chest.

"That's some sappy ass shit, who are you?" Sam asked.

"Y/n," she said with a small smile on her beautiful face.

"Wilson, Sam Wilson," Sam said with a flirty ass smirk across his face.

"Sorry, Son of Will, but I don't believe you could handle a titan since you're just merely a mortal with no special abilities and I admire that you tried," Y/n said.

M'baku bursted out laughing and said, "HA! You just got mortal zoned by a goddess!"

"Titans are actually higher up than gods," Thor said.

"I'm a titanness," she corrected.

"Damn right," I said not really meaning to say it aloud.

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