"there are many causes i'd die for, there ain't a single cause i'd kill for." willie looked down to marcus, he knew this. everyone in the group knew willie wasn't a man for the violence. "oh, pacifism. you wouldn't kill for your friend here, reyna? pacifism, it's a nice idea, but if you don't help once we fight, then you help the other side win." marcus motioned between reyna and himself making her roll her eyes.

"don't bring me into this, i don't need willie for this fight. i don't want no part of the fight." reyna revealed her true feelings about the plan, marcus looked to her in shock. this was worse than marcus thought. two people didn't want to come, the numbers weren't adding up. "this hero shit. it's just a mask you wear to justify chaos. you wanna know what i think? i think maybe you looking to get yourself killed." willie stepped closer to his friend, revealing the thought that he was true. turning back around when he thought marcus had nothing to say.

"yeah, well, maybe pretending to be a hero is better than accepting that you're not one." marcus held on to willie's hand then looking to reyna. "and you? your name is written all over this and you don't want to help yourself? willie if you're worrying about the suicidal one, worry about her." marcus' eyes didn't leave reyna's as her eyes narrowed to him. she stepped forward and punched marcus in the jaw. marcus stumbled back, holding his jaw as willie pulled her back.

"send el diablo my best fuck you when he finds out about this shitty ass plan." reyna spat towards marcus as he started to walk backwards in shock. man did she have a good punch.

"gabby's right. so used to living in toxic air, i can't see straight anymore." willie was upset now, with marcus' choice. with his inability of not being able to take a hint when he needed to. "what about your friends?" marcus was running out of points, willie turned to head to reyna who he held on his hands.

"shit. marcus, if this is what being your friend gets me..." willie turned away, still holding on to reyna. "what about your family reyna!" marcus yelled as they continued to walk, reyna did not budge from the path that was in front of her. marcus thrusted his hands out in the air in frustration knowing he could have to go back into the store with two people gone. and that's what he did.

everyone's head moved from the photos and then to marcus. "willie's out?" saya looked to no one by his side. marcus rubbed his face, and just shook his head. "reyna is too, she didn't seem to be down with the plan of saving her own ass." spooky titled his head in confusion of why the hell marcus would speak ill on reyna with him in the room, considering the last person that did ended up with a dagger between his eyebrows. "she's in. it's just not her week." spooky kept his defense for his sister sweet and short.

saya brought the attention back to the photos. "okay, the backyard and all the doors are booby-trapped, windows are reinforced, but if we get some c-four--" saya went to explain the plan but billy stopped her when she got ahead of herself. "yeah, yeah, they sell that at costco, right? next to the big bags of popcorn." billy's voice was dripping of sarcasm and maria seemed amused with it.

"there's only one person i know who can get it." marcus scratched the back of his head and eyes went to him. who the hell else did he know? another roommate of his from the boys' home named explosive earl? "great, let's go." maria was ready to get everything over with, the deadline was getting smaller by the second.

"no, i said he can get it. whether he will is the real question. especially after what you did to him." everyone knew who marcus was talking about now, a smirk went to spooky's face. oh this was going to be interesting.

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