"I feel like I should explain. What Beca said was true, I messed up and we broke up the summer before I started the fall semester. I didn't want to, I was madly in love with her but I knew it was a toxic relationship and thought maybe I'd be able to stop feeling for her. We were never suppose to catch feelings. She told me she was in college too, and we saw each other a lot. I was using her to get rid of my stress with summer courses and trying to live up to everyone's expectations and she wanted to work on her 'bedroom skills." Chloe pauses to wipe a tear from her eye before taking a deep breath and continuing.

"But it became bad. She was struggling with her anger problems and tried to forget them with a mixture of drugs and booze. She used me as her own relief from the demons she wouldn't tell me about. It started as just a quick fuck for escapes and turned into more. Soon I couldn't get through the day without hearing her voice. I begged her to get help and finally she agreed and got clean. But then everything fell apart. Dad caught me kissing her goodbye. He didn't see her face but he didn't care because he knew it was a girl. He threatened to take away the money he put towards Barden unless I stopped seeing her. It broke my heart but I knew I needed his money or there was no way I could afford that school alone."  Chloe pauses and sighs.

"So when told me she was moving I thought it was the best time to end things. I regretted it. I still do. But I had to stay in college and convinced myself I was over her... I'm not sure if I really was." She hesitates before turning to me. "Stacie... don't fall for her." Chloe says seriously. Well I didn't see the conversation going this way. "Wait what." I blurt out. Chloe turns so she is facing me.

"I hurt her bad, I'm pretty sure she isn't recovered and I don't want you to be hurt as a result." She answers. I try to come up with words to respond but nothing pops in my head. How could she say that? Was I even falling for Beca? Wait...

"Chloe is this about me getting hurt or you not being over her?!" I ask standing up. Now Chloe is the one speechless. I raise my eyebrow but she still doesn't say anything. "That's what I thought." I turn on my heels and head back out the door. Emily and Aubrey jump away and try to act like they weren't listening. "Nice try, I know you heard it." I say brushing by them. They both awkwardly shift and avoid eye contact. "I need to go lay down. I'm going to sleep in Beca's room." I say. With that I leave, I don't want to deal with anyone. I understand why Beca needs her space.

"I will talk to you all later. Stay here if you want but please don't disturb me." I say glancing at Aubrey. I go into Beca's room and throw the blankets over my head. Luckily sleep comes to me quickly. There goes my happy day.

Beca's POV

I stumble back into the house a few hours later. I ended up at Jesse's house. Lucky for me he didn't ask questions, just said "You look like shit, let's get drunk." And yeah, we drank a lot. The lights are off and I walk to Stacie's room, naturally in my drunken state I first slam into my own bedroom door. But I need to find Stacie so I can apologize for running... again. "Stacie?" I whisper into the darkness. I don't hear a response. I go farther into the room and quietly close the door behind me.

I move onto the bed quietly slide in next to her. I can feel her shift in the bed so I know she is up. "I'm sorry I ran again, but I told you I would come back." To my surprise she kisses me. I kiss her back and grab her hips, pulling her against me. "I thought you were going to be pissed." I chuckle as we continue to kiss and she removes her shirt and starts to unbutton mine. "Or are you pissed but too horny to care?" I question as I kiss down her neck. She moans when I suck her pulse point and I freeze. That isn't Stacie's moan, trust me I know I have heard her moan a lot. "What the hell?" I turn and flip on the light.


Shit shit shit shit

"Chloe?" I yell as I move back towards the wall. The door flies open and Stacie stands there. Well this looks bad. "What the hell? I'm confused." I yell looking between the two girls. "Stacie I thought it was you!" I yell, not missing the hurt expression that crosses Chloe's face. Stacie puts her hand on my shoulder. "I know you did, you woke me up when you slammed into the door and I heard everything.

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